The Company of Heaven are continually asking us to drop anchor in Gaia, to send an energetic cable down to Gaia’s heart and there fasten it to her – in other words, to ground ourselves. Viewed from another perspective, I notice in myself that, when I allow my center of gravity to rise up as […]
Linda Dillon: Archangel Jophiel – What Lies Ahead in this Intergalactic/Galactic Portal Called Terra Gaia?
As Nova Gaians, you are part and parcel, integral, not only to your universe, not only to the multiverse but to the Mother’s infinite whole… Welcome, welcome, welcome. We have a really full agenda today, and the Council has been talking to me for days and it’s been incredibly intense. So, I’m going to basically […]
A Time of Purification?
Triggers just seem to keep going off. I have to be supervigilant not to launch into extreme thoughts and behavior. And not to then swing out onto the other extreme and super-protect myself from them, until the guardian again becomes the guard. (1) How to stay in the middle and yet be strong, resolute, determined? […]
How Do I Change Myself?
There’s so much I want to say about the process I’ve just been through so things are not missed. The ideas are tumbling out. What I did was I processed a root vasana or core issue. Processing a vasana is the (wholesome) alternative to blaming and shouting at another person. Long ago I swore I […]
Vesuvius is Quiet
Vesuvius is quietening down. Let me do a post-mortem. Father hatred leaves me flat, unresponsive, shallow in my compassion. Hindus call that state of mind thamasic, lethargic. In my everyday awareness, I can feel it only subtly, as a slightly negative attitude towards everything – not skeptical but pessimistic. Disbelief, despair, depression. As I said […]
Whose Shepherd I am
So far the vasana with my Dad has manifested, as it did in 1986, as unbridled anger. But I seem to have left the anger phase now, and, even as the last fumes of father hatred dissipate, I’m beset by feelings of fear. This is a crystal-clear demonstration that anger sits on top of fear. […]
Emerging from the Shell
I had no success accessing this vasana. (1) It’s the same root vasana of father hatred that I’ve been dealing with since I was a young child. It shows how tenacious a vasana can be. I finally invoked universal law and asked Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother to take the whole of it away, […]
Getting Out of My Own Way
My life is a workshop in awareness. My agreement is to remain aware of myself. My process involves observing, noticing, and sharing. Viewed from a cultural-historical standpoint, my notes are an Ascension ethnography – a biography or narrative of one person’s slow and gradual, and sometimes sudden, Ascension process. Right now, I’m noticing the impact […]
Not Elegant, Just Workable
I was saying earlier that I regarded this as a time of Deep Cleansing. (1) However that works, I personally find that deep issues are arising. I’m now following the deep despondency I’ve felt in the background of my consciousness for what feels like all my life. And at last I’m connecting with an utter […]
What to Say When People Say “It’s Impossible”
By Andrea Brower, Yes Magazine, June 14, 2020 Those committed to building a more just future must question the taken-for-granted “truths” that support the beliefs that capitalism is the only common-sense possibility and that there is no alternative. We can’t leave this task to the pages of peer-reviewed journals and classrooms of social theory—these […]
An Us-and-Them World
Werner Erhard made the distinction between an us-against-them and an us-and-them world. A world that works for everyone is an us-and-them world. Others have called it win/win. Now, I was not raised in an us-and-them environment, not viewed from any angle – except perhaps the angle of the soccer or baseball team. Our team – […]
The Big Change – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) The point I wanted to make however is: what do we do in the face of this constant change to maintain our equilibrium, our balance? Things are going faster than I can keep up with. What do we do? I can only say what I do, which I’ve been doing […]
The Big Change – Part 1
I’ve rewritten this article to drop the debt relief components of the earlier Six Point Plan. These will be addressed apparently by G/NESARA. It now becomes a Four Point Plan. If we were to see the ending of the careers of corrupt politicians, of big business’s control over the finances of the world, of the […]
Moving Art by Louis Schwartzberg
Thanks to Linda Dillon for this. A backdrop of time-lapse photography illustrates how gratefulness makes a good day.
3D – 5D New Earth Shift: Elizabeth April Video, 4-6-20
3D – 5D New Earth Shift: Elizabeth April video, from Joshua Tree, CA 4-6-20 Transcribed by Kat I only recently discovered Elizabeth April in an article published in The Golden Age of Gaia on April 4th, 2020. (1.) She is delightful to listen to, and her channeling and observations are fascinating. Elizabeth has been in […]