Up till now, I’ve been using the phrases “change of mind” and “change of vote” interchangeably. But the more I observe myself, the more I see it’s more useful to distinguish between them. I have to back up a bit to illustrate the difference between them. I remind you of how things appeared to me […]
Acuity of Awareness Increasing
I just came across this passage from a 2012 reading, two days after writing this article, which rang such a bell for me in light of what’s discussed here: “Another measure, my beloved ones, is to do with your mental acuity, including interest in things of the mental body – and, dear Steve, you have […]
We Talk Little about What’s Most Important to Us: How We Feel
From a life of observation, as you know, I’ve reached the conclusion that how we feel is what’s most important to human beings. Everything seems to get channeled through the filter of “how do we feel about it?” We go to Hawaii and rent a room over Waikiki for that magic moment. What does that […]
Huge Commitment to the Work
Seeing the script I have playing – and the discoveries that it’s leading to – is like an earthquake in my life. (1) And it’s led to numerous aftershocks. It’s opened the door for me to complete the cycle of domestic abuse that occurred in our household. It’s led me to see the identity I […]
Changed My Mind
I’m just back from Vancouver’s first Connecting Consciousness potluck. (1) Wonderful being around people who knew what I was talking about. I’d forgotten what it was like to have a social conversation that had depth. And of course it got all my impatience surging again. Where is the Reval? Why can’t we get to work? […]
How the Process of Growth Work Goes
As the chaos swirls outside, the chaos swirls inside as well. In this article I process a residual feeling state. Doing this, I hope, allows me to do a better job in post-Reval roles. And of course every one I can dissolve frees me and elevates my space, which is a contribution to Ascension. It’s […]
Not Out of the Woods
I’ve been walking around triggering myself for a while now. And if I walk the trigger back, I find that I’m disappointed in myself (Mother). I’m disappointed because I reacted to some forgotten thought with irritation, anger, aggressiveness, or some negative attitude (Father). I have my Father and Mother endlessly arguing in my head. The […]
Come Out! Come Out! Whoever You Are
If I have it all already inside me, if all of this is a process of remembering, if the only obstacle is what I put in my own way, then come out! Come out! Whoever you are! I will stop blocking your way. I am no longer afraid of standing here as I am. I […]
How Freeing It Is
There’s no doubt that I’m using this “quiet” time for introspection and purification. When it’s as quiet as this, I can observe myself and notice my thoughts, and all the crossed connections and potential short circuits. So I’m not just having the thoughts, but watching myself having them. (This is the awareness path.) I noticed […]
More and More Still
As a lightworker and a spiritual seeker, I see the benefits of cleansing, purifying, removing obstacles, processing vasanas, deconstructing the constructed self, reparenting myself, etc. I know what’s “down there.” (1) And it’s innocent and pure, loving and blissful. I am in a sense uncovering it. Or one could look at the matter in an […]
The Way Life Works for Me – Part 1/2
One way I go from feeling power-less to affect the large world out there – which is in the process of waking up from the longest-imaginable sleep – to power-full is to remember that my absolutely most powerful position and best contribution is to change, to refashion, to transform myself. Never mind that I’m now […]
Speak of a Beachhead
Before thinking about bringing peace to the world, we may need to bring peace to ourselves. This article is part of that process for me. I notice I’m not creating as much residue, as much debris in my wake as I used to. I’m still dropping a royal clanger every now and then, but not […]
Thank You to the Troll Under the Bridge … and Goodbye
I’ve reached the end of the road with an act of mine, a racket, a number. I’ve processed this number before. I’m processing it now at a much deeper level. Its presenting sign is that I wake up in the morning and I’m not cheerful. Nothing has happened that I be anything but cheerful, but […]
Riding Out the Perfect Storm
For me this seems like a time of strangeness, a time of weirdness. On the one hand, I feel determined in certain areas; on the other hand, I feel weak and vacillating in others. There was a cartoon in one of the leading magazines decades ago called “Top Dog/Underdog.” Inside was the outline of a […]
A Lightworker at the Helm
Heading into the last weeks before the election, I expect the deep state to start going crazy, reporting all manner of bad things they did as having been done by the other guys. In international affairs, it’s called the mirror effect – blame your enemy for what they blame you for. Tit for tat. In […]