This list is not being rigorously monitored and updated. I’m so busy that I have to rely on you to tell me about a broken link (through “Contact Info”).
While we recommend the following, each of us remains responsible for our own discernment:
Suzi Maresca, “Quantum Perspectives” on Buy Me a Coffee
Kathleen Mary Willis, Voice of Freedom
Kathleen Mary Willis, A Door to Everything
Len Satov
Arcturian Group through Marilyn Raffaele
Arcturian Tools
Ashtar Command Crew
Awakening with Dr. Suzanne Lie
Be a World That Works for Everyone
Beyond Being Human
Rev. Dennis Shipman, Blissful Visions
Cleverlution, Katie Lindler
Patrick DaCosta, Voyages of Light
Divine Frequency
Ramola D, Era of Light
Donna D’ingello, Institute of Christ Consciousness
Shekinah El Daoud
Vidya Frazier, Awakening to the Fifth Dimension
Natalie Glasson
James Gilliland, ECETI
Global Mission of Love, Nicky Hamid
Good News Network
Harmonic Concordance Blog
Higher Density Blog
Indigo Light
Tiara Kumara, Children of the Sun Foundation
Judith Kusel
Lakshmi Amrita/Shekinah al Daoud
The Light, UK
Lightworkers World
Linda Dillon, Council of Love
Love in Action Now
Matthew’s Messages
James McConnell
Narendra Mishra, Awakening Spark
Mystic Reflections
Marilyn Redmond Books
Lisa Renee, Energetic Synthesis
Revolutionizing Awareness
Sandra Walter, Creative Evolution
Saviors of Earth
Jenny Schiltz
A Shot Heard Round The World. Werner Erhard biography.
St. Germaine’s New World, Travis Bradach
Starship Earth
Statement of Principles, Glorious Revival
Christopher Steele, Global Spiritual Revolution
Through the Peacock’s Eyes
Voices for Freedom (NZ)
Want to Know, Fred Burks
Whispers of the Soul (Suserros del Alma)
David Wilcock, Divine Cosmos
A World That Works