We recently received a message arguing that sending love and light could be making the evildoers stronger.
I’m not seeing it that way. To send out anything but positive vibes to anyone and for any reason brings that same energy back at us. If the best we can manage is neutrality, so be it.
Consider that everything has a frequency and vibration. For the sake of simplicity, if good person “A” sends their personal version of love and light intentions to bad person “B”, it may not have more than an irritating effect on B.
B is a low-vibing person, and a higher frequency coming their way will make them uncomfortable at best. It isn’t like putting money into their bank accounts…they don’t actually like the love and light (“L&L”) vibe.
Let’s say that one day, a B person feels themselves surrounded by or in the presence of an energy that makes them uncomfortable…maybe to the point of wanting to drop what they’re doing and start questioning their own behavior. I think both things are possible, with likely even more scenarios having the potential to unfold. That is, being in the presence of or surrounded by L&L just feels nasty and uncomfortable to B, or it serves to bring them clarity.
I would say that if there’s any chance that our own higher frequency could have a positive effect on a B, then hooray for both of us and for the All That Is! There’s no way that intending a higher frequency experience for even a low-vibing person would intensify their ability to carry out nefarious deeds. It just doesn’t work that way.
The questioning continued ~
“…but if instead you intend for everyone to awaken, and to have health, abundance, joy, and full disclosure, then everyone would get that. These are things that they don’t need, but that we do need.”
Holding onto the ‘us and them’ scenario belies the statement ~ “…everyone would get that.”
If our intention is to bring everyone into balance and prosperity, and a return to the original Divine Plan for Humanity and for the Earth…why would we not leave the door open for those who choose redemption and who sincerely ask for forgiveness? It’s not up to us who receives whatever Divine Dispensation. That’s up to God.
Consider as well that everyone has a role to play, and each one of us may have commanded a dark one in any number of our various Earthwalks. All work done in and for the dark ultimately serves the Light.
Do those who’ve been tricked and trapped into serving the evil ones not deserve our compassion? Have we ourselves played such a role at some point in our journey?
Would we not have appreciated a hand held out in forgiveness and love that might have turned our attention away from evil, towards the good, true and beautiful? Maybe we did have such an experience, and it serves to deepen our resolve for such things to happen now, by our own hand.
There may also be some who are too far gone into darkness to be spared a recycling kind of fate, but that’s frankly none of our business. It isn’t up to us to mete out justice…God takes care of that reckoning thing.
Another question ~
“…you have to admit, love is not killing these people off. Can they even be killed off?”
Love doesn’t kill. As to the question of whether evil can truly be banished from the Earth…remember that everything has a frequency, so in the higher dimensions, absolutely yes…
At this point, the questioning went to something that’s beyond my ability to comment on because I only just got wind of such things, myself. I’ll include the video, but some of the subject matter is very weird and kind of troubling…
“We hear news that a certain person (George Bush Sr., for example) has died, but has he?
I come to this from different angles. They can transfer the mind of one person to another, and this is where all those missing children go if my guess is correct. The likes of George Bush Sr. and the evil that’s in his mind might now be living in some child that has been stolen for this purpose, and so nothing ever changes. I know all that sounds mad, and I may be wrong, but my gut tells me I’m not wrong.”
Two days ago, I might have dismissed that statement. However, I just watched a video with Janine of ‘Tarot by Janine’, and a special ops guy named Mike Jaco. He speaks to that happening with him in his work for the CIA, and, oddly enough, he speaks of the process as an enjoyable one. It’s freaky, and I can’t actually speak to this program, but I don’t doubt its existence.
“And why are they still in control? Because we’re sending them love and light.”
Definitely not. They’re losing more of their control every day, and any good intentions sent their way can literally have only a positive effect for the Human Collective. Not so good for the bad guys.
“We should instead be re-wording our intentions so that our brothers and sisters awaken.”
That is our work, to awaken and to empower…and that includes those who we perceive as working for team dark. Words are important, but intentions are far more powerful. Good intentions find their target.
“They won’t get hurt with us intending this way, but as people awaken, they will be the ones living in fear, not us innocents.”
We don’t wish to hurt anyone, nor do we seek to make anyone live in fear. That would be taking a page from their book, and frankly, that isn’t where our strength lies. What we seek is freedom from evil, from manipulation, slavery and control. What we’re after is Human sovereignty, and we can’t reach that summit by engaging in the same energetics and tactics as have been used against us.