Welcome to the Library for the Golden Age of Gaia. Here you can find and navigate all Steve’s posts on our website up till Feb. 13, 2019.
After that, we’ve switched over to the use of “Categories,” rather than keeping the Library updated.
Unknown to us and without seeking our permission, someone in IT changed the URL for the site. Some links may now no longer work. In this case, enter the title of the article in the site’s search box surrounded by quotation marks (“Like This”). This will bring up the article.
We will fix these links as soon as funds become available.
Assembling this material is how we earn our livelihood. We invite you to make a contribution towards financing our work, in the “Donation” box below.
Spirituality – On the Divine Mother
Spirituality – On Lightworkers and Starseeds
Spirituality – On the Angelic Kingdom
Spirituality – Into the Golden Age of Gaia
Abundance – On Financial Wayshowing and the Reval
Abundance – On Building Nova Earth
Accountability – On Human Rights
First Contact Database (Ascension, Disclosure)
New Maps of Heaven Database (life after death)
From Darkness Unto Light Database (enlightenment)
Essays of Brother Anonymous (early)
What is Happening in America (9/11) (closed)
Some day I think this site will be useful to anthropologists, historians, diplomats, teachers, and many others – on and off planet – with a “need to know” what was happening at this time on Earth.
It may help to identify what worked and what may not have worked. We know that other star civilizations are observing us and are planning mass/physical Ascensions for their worlds.
Ours is said to be the first of many, the kick-off, so to speak, for the whole universe.
Please help us produce our literature by donating once or monthly to the Golden Age of Gaia.
Click here to contribute to the Hope Chest.
The Hope Chest is a grassroots-funded program based on donations from readers of the Golden Age of Gaia.
To make a one-time donation, please choose “Make a one-time donation.”
To make a voluntary monthly donation/subscription, please choose “Make a monthly donation.”
There have been very few donations to the general lightworker fund in the last two years and so we have closed it for now. The Hope Chest as a general lightworker fund will re-open after the Reval and serve the lightworker population internationally. For now the Hope Chest supports the team.
Your donations to “Site and Team Donations” pay site costs and provide a living wage for the small team of editors and support staff working for the Golden Age of Gaia and the Hope Chest.