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Table of Contents
Human Rights
Human Rights and Social Activism
Kathleen Mary Willis on Gender Equality
Gender Equality
Gender Discrimination, Persecution, and Inequality
Pedophilia / Sexual Harassment
Feminist Men
- Building Human Rights on Nova Earth
- Peace, Human Rights, and Universal Law
- The Declaration of Human Freedom
- Human Rights a Difficult Concept for Some
- Human Rights Imply Limits on Behavior
- Rewriting Human Rights
- Building Human Rights on Nova Earth
- A Sign of Sacred Purpose
- Human Rights and Spiritual Realities
- Human-Rights Focus Brilliant
- Sea Change in Political Memes
- The Benefit of the Doubt: New-Earth Organizational Behavior
- What Do We Want? A Self-Serving Society or a World That Works for Everyone?
- The Relationship of “The Declaration of Human Freedom” to the New Paradigm?
- Revenge of the “Inferior Races”: Standing Race Theory on Its Head
- Love Makes the World Go Round, but Fairness Makes It Work
- Charlotte Bunch: Women’s Human Rights: From Slogan to Global Agenda
- How to Make a Decision in Refugee Law
- Pakistan Advisory Body Suggests Men ‘Lightly Beat’ Wives Who Refuse Sex
- Building Human Rights on Nova Earth
Human Rights and Social Activism
- Archangel Michael on Avaaz and Monsanto
- I am a Conspiracy Theorist
- “Sign That Document!” St. Germain at the Continental Congress
Kathleen Mary Willis on Gender Equality
- 21 Days of Forgiveness: Gender Equality Within
- The Compassion Road: Gender Equality Begins Within
- 21 Days of Forgiveness: The Balancing of our Tri-flame
- Building Nova Earth 12-09-17: Gender Equality
- Building Nova Earth: Universal Law and the Balance of Gender Equality
- Building Nova Earth: Balance Within is Gender Equality
- Feminine Perspectives
- Archangel Gabrielle: Gender Equality is Critical to Your Ascension
- Archangel Gabrielle: The Time of Subjugation is Coming to an End
- Archangel Gabrielle Returns to An Hour with an Angel to Tell Us How to Stop Gender Persecution
- Archangel Gabrielle’s Containment of Gender Persecutors
- Archangel Gabrielle: There’s No Such Thing as Mild Abuse
- Transcript ~ Archangel Gabrielle on AHWAA: Start Small, Recognizing the Magnitude of Gender Inequality, June 22, 2017
- Transcript: The Arcturians through Sue Lie on the Divine Feminine, Gender Equality and Ascension
- Toward a World That Works for Women
- Violence Against Women Will End in Our Generation
- The Gender Guidelines
- The Rights of Women and Girls
- United Nations Convention on the Rights of Children
- Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (2007)
- Gender Equality Principles
- Global Business Certification for Gender Equality
- The Gender Equality Agenda
- The Power of Context: A Gender-Free, Gender-Equal, and Gender-Respecting World
- How are Global Peace and Gender Equality Related?
- Gender Equality a G-7 Priority: Trudeau
- Laura Bates and the Everyday Sexism Project
- Charlotte Bunch: Women’s Human Rights: From Slogan to Global Agenda
- Equality without Sameness
- Happy Mother’s Day to All Singular Moms
- The 17 Goals in Depth – Goal 5
- This is Why Iceland Ranks First for Gender Equality
Patriarchy/Toxic Masculinity
Gender Discrimination, Persecution, and Inequality
- A Global Call for an End to Gender Persecution by January 1, 2015
- A World Free of Gender Inequality and Gender Persecution by Jan. 1, 2018
- A Call to End Gender Persecution by Jan 1, 2020
- Can’t Build Nova Earth with a Suffering Population
- “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices” as of 2007
- Afghanistan: Cards Stacked Against Women
- World Health Organization: Sexual Violence Against Women
- The Facts About Violence Against Women
- Gender Violence in India: ‘Daughters Are Not a Burden’
- Two Sisters to be Raped as Punishment
- AP: After Decades of Silence, Nuns Talk about Abuse by Priests
- Life in the Back Seat: Saudi Arabia’s Driving Ban was a Reminder of the Unfreedoms of Women
- Iranian Women Protest by Dancing
- Violent Extremist Groups Take Special Aim at Women, U.N. Official Says
- “It’s a Men’s Club”: Discrimination Against Women in Iran’s Job Market
Pedophilia / Sexual Harassment
- A Global End to Pedophilia by January 1, 2020
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- Archangel Michael: Where to Go Next?
- Operation Underground Railway: Modern-Day Extraction of Trafficked Children
- Robert David Steele: Overview of International Child Trafficking
- The Worst of Times
- We’ll Find Out
- Hundreds of Sex Abuse Allegations Found in Fundamental Baptist Churches across U.S.
- What has #MeToo Changed?
- Archangel Michael on the Need to Stop Pedophilia – Part 1/2
- Archangel Michael on the Need to Stop Pedophilia – Part 2/2
- A World Fit for Children
- Make Our “No!” Be Heard – Part 2/2
- Is Pope Francis a Human-Rights Abuser? – Part 1/2
- Is Pope Francis a Human-Rights Abuser? – Part 2/2
- Watergate was Pedogate
- Matt Doran Goes Undercover with Operation Underground Railroad to Bring Down Haiti Child Sex Ring
- Ex-Navy Seal Creates Veterans Organization to Expose Pedophiles and Rescue Trafficked Children
- Grand Jury Finds Police were Complicit in Covering up Massive Child Sex Ring in Catholic Church
- Robert Steele: Letter to Atlantic Monthly – Donald Trump is Neither a Tyrant nor Lost
- Our Transformational Toolbox: Committed Speaking – Part 1/2