My awakening to a need for action was framed in terms of pedophilia.
I found myself in the local Safeway on April 14, 2018, saying to myself, “I cannot go another day without speaking out publicly about pedophilia.”
And when I got home, I couldn’t do another thing until I wrote my first piece on it. (1)
But someone else’s awakening may very well be around something else – for instance, world hunger or gender equality or an end to war. What issue you or I choose to take on as lightworkers is not as important as that we do choose to take one on.
What we choose to lead in is important but equally important is the very act of choosing to lead.
How many lightworkers are there in the world? Not that many. How many awake people in your neighborhood? I haven’t met all that many in mine. Therefore the load on us to manage or absorb the popular reaction to any of the major events (made public) is that much greater because we’re so few.
And the call on us to lead is also that much greater. We’re like a spice that gets sprinkled over the main dish. It just takes a little to pick up the whole dish. But the dish does need the spice.
Returning to my suddenly-awakened felt need to act, deconstructing pedophilia is an urgent and worldwide issue. The process we use to end it is important, but equally important is the process as a process. A global scourge will have been deconstructed and how we did it will – because it’s new – form a template.
We’ll all of us be creating templates these days because all we’ll be doing will be new – just as Occupy or #MeToo was. Many of our initiatives won’t stand up for more than a year or two before being overtaken by new ways of doing things, becoming new templates. That’s not ours to worry about. But ours will help start the ball rolling.
The contours of this future and unknown process whereby we overcome a global scourge with a minimum of conflict is what interests me as a lightworker. It catches and holds my attention. (2)
How do we tackle a global problem, a global scourge and yet not become polarized or conflictual ourselves? Demand that it stop and have it stop, while leaving as little residue as possible?
We’ll find out.
(1) “Make Our ‘No!’ Be Heard – Part 2/2,” . I admit, as a backdrop, being inspired by the work Kathleen has been doing in opioid education and addiction rehabilitation.
(2) Already ideas are popping. I hear: “Fairness.” “Groundedness.” “Compassion.” A takeaway from that would be “act from the divine qualities.” It almost seems a no-brainer.