Vent #2. Pedophilia
I’ve been getting reports of pedophilia from a number of sources, on a regular basis.
I watch as many videos as I can without totally throwing things over and going back for a law degree so I can join the fight against pedophilia.
I was shopping in Safeway Aug. 14, when I heard myself say to myself: “I can’t go another minute without publicly speaking out against pedophilia.”
I’m using the word “pedophilia” to cover child trafficking, exploitation, rape, torture, and murder.
Look at how long it’s taken us to get over our own childhood trauma.
I’ve seen a woman go through her recovery process from ritual sexual abuse in repeated Enlightenment Intensives and I got her pain. A woman in a video Kathleen showed me took, I believe, 18 years to recover from her trauma after abuse as a sex slave.
Compared to theirs, mine – and perhaps that of most of us – is absolutely nothing. How will they get over it?
Children being tortured, raped, and murdered. (1) Children being “ordered” like pizza with a code for infant, girl, boy, white, black, etc. Taken into the White House and shown around. The grossest acts being visited upon young kids, no different from everyone’s children – and could be anyone’s. (2)
All these years when children have gone missing, what did we think? Well, now we know.
I’m on the warpath here. Our children should be safe. In my childhood, as I recall, we always felt safe. We could leave our bikes anywhere. Any adult would help us. The police were our friends. No idea of danger ever entered our minds, save from the local bully.
It’s unacceptable to me that we’ve fallen so low as to prey on our children today and make it necessary that they should be afraid of those who should be their protectors.
This is not the world I wish to live in – and I’m not leaving. This world will have to change.
No more pedophilia, in all its forms. No more lies about it. No more tolerance of the child-trafficking-to-child-murder cycle.
Pedophilia must stop immediately, everywhere on this planet. I say this on my own sovereign independence and authority.
(1) See for instance Frank Miles, “Stunning findings on report of Catholic Church abuse: Pa. priests molested more than 1,000 children,” Fox News, Aug. 14, 2018, at httpss://
“Hundreds of priests were said to have molested more than 1,000 children — and possibly many more — since the 1940s, and senior church officials, including a man who is now the archbishop of Washington, D.C., allegedly covered up the abuse, according to a grand jury report released Tuesday.”
(2) And whistleblowers regularly being murdered. Here’s the latest:
“Investigative Journalist Found Dead in D.C. Hotel Room Weeks After Reporting Bill Clinton to FBI & DHS for Allegedly Raping Boy,” True Pundit, Aug. 14, 2018, at httpss://
Investigative Journalist Jen Moore was found dead in a suburban Washington D.C. hotel room Monday, according to police and shocked and distraught friends and colleagues.
Moore died of an apparent seizure. Police are closely investigating the cause of death after former FBI Agent Robyn Gritz, a friend of Moore’s, made inquiries with homicide detectives Monday afternoon in Prince Georges County, Maryland. Preliminary reports from police said the death was not the result of suicide. …
Moore, an advocate who investigated abused and trafficked children, had been in the process of investigating allegations by a 26-year-old man that — as a young boy — he was sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton and pimped out at private sex parties attended by other D.C. elites.
In fact, just four weeks before her death, Moore filed details of the alleged victim’s claims with the Department of Homeland Security, detailing the allegations against Clinton. Moore contacted Homeland Security beginning on July 6th through July 9th, records show. A week later, she contacted the FBI with identical details about the victim and the shocking allegations against Clinton.
FBI sources report no case has been opened on the evidence supplied by Moore. [Why has no case been opened?]
I still refuse to believe that Pope Francis is mixed up in these matters. Instead I believe that he’s in the Vatican to bring them to a halt.
See “Is Pope Francis a Human-Rights Abuser? – Part 1/2,” and “Is Pope Francis a Human-Rights Abuser? – Part 2/2,”
In my opinion, taking him down will deprive the forces opposing pedophilia of a valuable ally.