(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
The Divine Mother on the Delegations
A few days after reading Plaed’or’s comments, I was deeply honored to have a reading, usually with Archangel Michael, but today for half the session with the Divine Mother.
I discussed the notion of “Delegations” with her. In the next two articles, these excerpts follow.
The Mother proposes to hold gatherings where delegations of terrestrial lightworkers will meet with our star family in cloaked settings on Earth.
They are then expected to act as ambassadors or intermediaries between the galactics and terrestrials. The government is not expected to cooperate and so the galactics are going directly to the people of Earth.
The Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30,2019. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Divine Mother: Make no mistake, Sweet One, Love will win because that has been my Plan always. So your real question is, “How are we advancing?” And what I am saying is that individual Ascension is and has been happening for some time in terms of the quantum collective leap.
In your terminology, you are almost there.
And this is being triggered by a number of external events as well, such as the imminent arrival of your star family.
Steve: Mother, you say “imminent.” Are you saying that Disclosure is going to be happening very, very soon?
UMM: No, I am not talking about what you think of as Disclosure. I am talking about the arrival, the obvious arrival, and already the prearranged selection of those that are interfacing with your star family.
Steve: Are these the” delegations” that Commander Plead’or talked about?
UMM: That is correct.
Steve: I would like to communicate to our readers about this idea of delegations. Can you tell us a little bit more about it please?
UMM: There are simply those that have selected long ago as part of their soul journey and their soul mission to be part of these groupings, shall we call them, to interface with those who are also responsible for the, shall we call it, an official presence of your star families upon the planet.
Now those that have [stepped forth] and are stepping forth are also those that have been true to their missions. There have been many in this large collective that, prior to arrival on planet, had said, “I wish to be part of that.”
But they have either gone to sleep and chosen to remain asleep or they have chosen alternative pathways. But there are those that are growingly aware of their purpose to engage. You would think of it as intermediaries between … Well, it would be silly but we will call them “new arrivals” (1) and the human collective.
Steve: I know that a lot of people will be saying, probably even writing into me saying, “How can I be a part of these delegations?” But you’re saying, “No, no, no it’s part of the soul contract.”
UMM: That is correct. It is not a matter volunteering for a mission or a cruise. It is those who have already been contacted and selected and are well aware of their upcoming assignments.
Steve: Is there anything else you can tell our readers about this whole thing? How is it to take place? How will somebody suddenly find themselves among the Galactics? Will they beam us up or…?
UMM: No, no, no! It is not about being beamed up, Sweet One. That has been the pattern for a long time. Speak to this channel, she knows.
But no, it is about the other direction. It is about the coming in peace, in harmony, in [the] quietude of small delegations, coming to the planet to make themselves known in an official way.
Steve: Official?
DM: Because as you well know, there have been many, many boots on the ground or different species on the ground for a long time. And so what is occurring is that this is a more formal arrangement and it is not being done through what would you think of as government or official channels.
There will be some people, that you think of as officials, that will be part of it. Again, long since previously selected and self-selected, for that matter, to participate in these meetings.
Now, the thing is that in this way it is not becoming a matter of political intrigue or political power mongering or deconstruction for that matter. It becomes part of the construction of the new, of Nova Earth and of this planet that I created to be a place of Love. So it is the stepping forth in greater unity and in peace. So this is very attuned to ME KI AL’s [Michael’s] mission of peace.
Steve: I just can’t conceive of the governments remaining passive while their citizens are having meetings with Galactics. I’d think that they would be all over this kind of thing and forbidding it and what have you. Am I incorrect?
UMM: You are giving, as do many, far too much authority to what you think of as government. Now there is a place, always, for governments. But this human race, which I have birthed, was created for love, yes. But it was also created for freedom.
And the reason that government, and I speak of pretty much all the realms, the reason that they are not the channel is because of their desire for interference, their desire for control and do not underestimate the ability, certainly of citizens, yes, but also of your star family.
[They have the] ability to cloak various meetings until it is too late. Oh, governments will attempt to exert their influence and power and control but that is not the agenda. And that is why in many ways that this meeting, various meetings, have been so long in coming.
It is simply because of that human desire of those in, shall we say, not in power but in positions where control and abuse of power has been rampant. And that will not be the platform in which integration of the various galaxies takes place. That is not the plan.
And I know very clearly, Sweet one, as do you, if it is not my plan then it will not occur.
(Continued in Part 3, tomorrow.)
(1) The galactics have been associated with Earth since the inception of homo sapiens (their design) and probably much earlier.
When they left in 1200 BC, Mediterranean civilization almost collapsed and societies were thrust into a period of fighting for dominance that has lasted down to the present day. The false flag 9/11 is the most obvious example in modern times. See “Archangel Michael: What Happened to Civilization in 1200 BC?”