I don’t want you to have to search through this site to find a piece of information as valuable as this so let me state it at the outset of your journey here. (1)
Based on a vision I had in 1987, (2) the purpose of life was shown to me to be enlightenment, Self-Realization.
The purpose is for us to discover our true identity, to know who we really are.
It turns out who we really are – all of us, without exception – is God.
The larger purpose of life is that God should meet God in a moment of our enlightenment. For this greater purpose was life created.
That Friday morning, March 13, 1987, I was driving my car to work. (3) To make a long story short, I’d just asked the universe if life was a puzzle and, if so, what was the picture that life is?
Suddenly everything went black and I was drenched in bliss. In a wordless vision (outside of time), (4) I was shown the entire life journey of an individual soul from God to God.
It took me a decade to find words for the wordless (5) and another decade to assemble and organize what that research produced and write about it. (6)
It showed me that All are One, no one ever dies, everyone returns to God eventually – on and on the lessons unfolded from what almost seems in retrospect to have been an acorn seed, an exploding holographic cell.
This blog then is founded upon and grows out of the knowledge of that overarching purpose of life. We serve everyone’s enlightenment and enlightenment itself. We think that doing so fulfills the Divine Plan for life.
Thank you for joining us on this journey back to the One. Make whatever use you will of this literature. Just get the word out.
(1) To find your way around, use the “Library” for pre-2019 articles, “Categories” for post-2019 articles. Use the searchbox if you have a keyword like “Ascension” or “Disclosure.”
Use the attached databases freely. No need for attribution. Just get the word out. The jump-off point is http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=Main_Page.
And more than 120 books and 20 booklets are available to you, free, from the Download Page at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/07/06/downloads-page/
(2) See:
- The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment-5.pdf
- “What is the Purpose of Life?” February 24, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/02/24/306794/
(3) Bliss lifts a person up and allows them to know things they could not see at a lower level of reality. When they come back down, they say, “I just realized….”
Because of the bliss, I just “knew” who the characters in my vision were – God the Father, God the Mother, and God the Child (the Trinity) – in Hinduism, Brahman, Shakti, and Atman.
I did not see or know this at the time but I was in a realized state. At the time I said this event was not a stage of enlightenment, but understanding more about the nature of enlightenment – or more particularly of realization and the role of bliss in it – I’ve pretty well changed my mind.
None of these events comes with roadsigns or a user’s manual. I actually have no firm idea of what the vision constituted, who sent it, or the chakra or dimension it related to.
Not like it matters. It’s the message of the vision that does.
(4) I know it was outside of time because it appeared to last around eight seconds but when I emerged and looked from side to side to see how far I’d travelled, because I know that part of Vancouver well, I knew I had not moved an inch. Therefore I was outside of time.
(5) Words for the wordless became the database From Darkness Unto Light at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=From_Darkness_to_Light
(6) Writing about it became The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment, ibid.
Download here: The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment-5.pdf
Purpose of Life is Enlightenment