While I’m here, may I draw your attention to a sea change in public discourse that appears to have happened?
It’s been signalled by President Trump signing into law his executive order against human-rights abusers.
I see now that he’s drawing attention to January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month as well. (1) It has new meaning when connected to his EO.
At the moment when he signed the EO, I think he drew one corrupt meme to a close and substituted an ethical one instead.
The corrupt meme is “terrorism” and the ethical meme is “human rights.”
The deep state has played the terrorist/national-security card at every opportunity, to bring in surveillance, curtailment of rights, obstruction of justice, etc.
Meanwhile it was the same deep state who were organizing, funding, and running the so-called terrorist organizations, like Al Qaida, Hezbollah, ISIS, etc.
They kept the populace of the West in more or less of a state of perpetual fear and dread, which allowed for progressive advancement of their agenda.
The “war on terror,” as they called it, was their most successful ploy. They were the terrorists – deep-state terrorists.
And now President Trump and his advisors have steered the discussion onto human rights rather than terrorism. I hope that means a complete dumping of the terrorism meme. If it were so, and we began calling a spade a space, that in itself would lower the global thermometer significantly, in my view.
If we were wise at this moment, we’d take the President up on his new direction and revitalize the discussion of human rights, so long abandoned. This is obviously fertile ground and should become the new meme, in my opinion.
For me this is a sea change of such significance that I didn’t want it to go past unnoticed.
Has anyone read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights lately? It makes great reading and may soon become our best guide again. (2)
(1) See Jordan Saither, “12.30 – Q Going Mainstream/Indictment Update/Human Trafficking Month/UN & AIDS/UFOs,” at httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe8yEypTfNA . Other presidents have also commemorated January as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Month but none with the same apparent program and intention to “commemorate” it.
(2) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights at https://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/