Written before reading Adamu’s “Open Letter,” (1) an exemplar of committed speaking.
Some days ago, I fell into a funk from endless waiting. Fears of survival arose.
And I had to pull myself out.
I asked myself how I was going to do that.
I received the following message in the local Safeway, “I cannot let another day go by without writing something against pedophila.” (2) I was completely dumbstruck. Who said that?
The thought did not come from me. But when I tried it on, it fit. It described a way I was feeling so I adopted it.
It had already adopted me. When I reached home, I could not write on anything other than pedophila. Leave our kids alone, you bullies. It was that basic. I still feel the grrrr’s when I say it. A real Braveheart moment.
I’d like to leave aside the actual issue of stopping pedophilia and look at the process it was embedded in.
The articles I wrote did in fact pull me out of my funk. It’s that way whenever I write articles like that. They shake me out of my bed of lethargy which I think of as “tolerance.”
What’s behind them is a mechanism of transformation that I really want to focus on here, as a tool in our transformational toolbox.
Werner Erhard called it “committed speaking.” It has the power to “call us forth” or “presence the Self,” as he’d say.
All three phrases are describing the same process, which, like all processes, is wordless and has no name. I call it, as Werner did, “transformation,” because that’s what the process is and results in. In my case, it had the power, the juice, to transform my experience – from a funk to fully present.
I can give you a second example of a transformational process. “Blessing” is such a process. When I go from blaming to blessing, it’s as if, as in Stargate, I walk through a wall of heavy water and am out the other side.
“Committed speaking” means I express what I’m committed to. I express my commitment. And I come from it and honor it.
And that’s indeed what happened at the Safeway. Beneficial results came almost immediately. The next day I realized the transformative quality of blessing and the next morning I landed up in a quiet mind.
Committed speaking does presence the Self.
Leave our children alone. It isn’t OK anywhere on the planet to be abusing our children and it must stop. Everywhere on Earth.
It’s as if committed speaking is a pole that allows us to vault over the wall of our resistance. The wall is based on some fear that’s arisen in us. My fear was that, if this waiting period went on much longer, we might not be able to hang on. For me, I’m in a real test of faith.
The arising of the thought “I cannot let another day pass…” altered my mode and mood, my step, my routine, my part in the duet of One, as Ramesh Balsekar calls it.
It was a colossal “withhold,” a secret, which I tied up my energy protecting. I can’t stand what’s happening to our children. Why does the world not stop what it’s doing immediately and take all necessary action to stop the harmful practices today? Who is delinquent? Who refuses to investigate?
It interrupted what was happening within me, took my focus off it, and refocussed me on a noble goal that had been bothering me more than I could bear, anyways. This was the last straw. I fairly exploded when I let my energy out. But it was also the grain of sand that became a pearl.
Now is the time for committed speaking.
(Concluded in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) “Adamu: An Open Letter to the Illuminati Bloodline Families,” Aug. 27, 2018, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=295768
(2) I may have one or two words wrong. The memory of the wording is fading.