I shifted from waiting to creating in regards to abundance some time ago. So far I’ve been writing commentary.
But now I see the need to get some things actually moving even if the Reval hasn’t come yet.
If we were past the Reval, I could back up words with financial commitments. Before the Reval, we’re all reduced to planning, putting targets in place, etc.
Many of us will choose one area of the world’s unworkability and focus our resources on that. I’ve chosen the area of gender inequality and persecution and I fully believe that, when that area is handled, numerous other areas will be seen to be related and will have fallen into workability almost by themselves.
We cannot have half of the world treated as chattel and call ourselves civilized. How are women treated today in our world?
Female babies in eastern countries are aborted as foeticides or abandoned on hillsides as infanticides.
Girls in parts of Africa have their vaginas painfully sown up in female genital mutilation (FGM) to “protect their chastity.” It’s often their mothers who insist on it.
Many girls in various parts of the world (the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, etc.) are married off to partners not of their choosing. Many are denied education, beaten by their husbands, and forced to live a live of slavery.
Women who refuse this arrangement and seek their own partners can be murdered in honor killings. In some situations, this is considered appropriate treatment to keep women in their place. The officials may not interfere or, if they do, they may drag their feet.
In some villages in South Asia, an appropriate punishment for a woman who strays outside male-dictated lines is to have the woman “judicially” raped.
Women are lured on travel packages from parts of Eastern Europe and end up enslaved by sex rings in the places they planned to visit.
Women in Bangladesh who turn down a suitor may find themselves with acid thrown in their faces, horribly disfigured.
Women in jail are routinely raped in many countries. The same in regional wars where mass rape is justified as a way of shifting the population’s ethnicity. “Their children will now be our children.”
Is the picture becoming clearer? In many parts of the world, women are seen as chattel or possessions, to be traded or treated as men wish.
I sat in Starbucks yesterday and watched two European families behave in a patriarchal manner. The conversation had two features: (1) sharing amazing developments among people the men liked and (2) sharing grievous complaints against people the men disliked.
The men made pontifical statements and the women agreed. Submissively, the women chimed in with more examples of wonderful things happening to friends and terrible things happening to “enemies.” All looked at each other as if they were fully in agreement as they clucked their tongues.
No one disagreed with the men or suggested that they were locked in a deadening circle of explotation/submission. I can imagine what would happen at the first sign of disagreement: ruffled feathers, threatening looks, louder disagreement in return (rather than the consideration of a different point of view).
It was such a stultifying conversation that at times I choked. It was based on “keeping the woman in line” and preserving men’s position of authority and control.
No one at the table seemed to have an inkling that they were involved in a power-over matrix. Whatever it was that held them in sway, it did an effective job.
There was in this conversation no chance of expansion, growth, realization, full self-expression. This is not a world that works. This is not a world that’s going anywhere … well, anywhere we’d like to go.
You and I are going to transform this world to one in which women are not forced to do anything. Like every person on the planet, a woman has free choice, not because the Declaration of Human Rights says so, but because God says so through universal law and because we say so.
Free will is a divine law. If one person knowingly violates the free will of another, they suffer a return for it. What goes around comes around by divine decree.
Life is about spiritual unfoldment. Life is about knowing who we are at the deepest levels. It isn’t about men’s spiritual unfoldment and not women’s. Or men’s spiritual unfoldment at the expense of women. It’s time for the New Romans to get up off the couch … and clean house.
To coordinate any movement of size, what’s needed is a coordination of actions. Actions cannot be coordinated if we simply say we’ll have global equality “some day.” It takes a targettable deadline to allow people to plan and coordinate global action.
Therefore I propose Jan. 1, 2018 as the targettable deadline for the end of global inequality and persecution on the planet.
When the Hunger Project established the date 2000 as the time when hunger would end on the planet, (1) they chose as the chief index of their achievement of that goal reaching a certain place with the infant mortality rate. I don’t know the best indicator to signal that we’ve achieved an end to gender inequality and persecution. I think I need your help with that.
How are we going to achieve that goal?
We need documentaries on the fate of women in Afghanistan, on honor killings, holiday wives, dowry deaths, foeticide, infanticide, FGM, etc.
We may or may not receive attention from the national networks. Who knows where they’ll be a year from now? To be free of them, we need recognized channels developed on Youtube and other similar services to feature these programs. Or create our own television networks and channels.
We need teams of lawyers able to prosecute honor killings, dowry deaths, and acid attacks in their own countries and to help others around the world and in the contexts of different cultures do the same.
We need a women’s press, women’s film industry, women on the bench, women in the legislature, women in the pulpit. Not as an exclusive, man-hating measure but as affirmative action.
The aim is not to have women control and persecute men. It’s to have a balanced culture worldwide – the divine feminine and the divine masculine joining together to create a world that works. For everyone.
I’ll be running a second, local project as well, the Vancouver Project.
My first target of attention will be single parents (single fathers as well as mothers). Instead of them being the lost tribe of society, it’s my intention, within the small circle of my influence (Vancouver), to see that they and their children have all they need to flourish.
I’ll be pushing for stay-at-home parents to be paid to raise their children in the absence of a primary (or any) wage-earner or in any other situation that creates poverty for single parents.
I’m committed to an end to gender inequality and gender persecution on the planet. I’m determined to see that goal reached by 2018.
The resources I’ll have are committed to it. I’ve already been told that the people who will work with me will flock to Vancouver. Many will also work at it from their own countries. I can’t wait.
You can join me by aligning on this goal: a global end to gender inequality and gender persecution by Jan. 1, 2018.
I also invite you to share your abundance after the Reval with groups working to achieve women’s liberation, wage parity, an end to the glass ceiling, the stoning of women for “adultery,” honor killings, dowry deaths, and all other forms of gender inequality and gender persecution.
(1) No, they didn’t achieve their goal but the amount they achieved, the degree of consciousness raising they inspired will some day be recognized. One might also say that they’ll turn out to have been off by only, perhaps, twenty years. The end of hunger, as the Hunger Project would have said, was an idea whose time has come. Gender equality is also an idea whose time has come.