If I were to choose one word to say what human rights were all about, for me, I’d say: Freedom. Freedom to and freedom from.
If you read the accounts of life on the other side, in the Fourth Dimension or Astral Plane, the most striking thing about the experience of the newly-arrived is their greatly expanded sense of freedom.
The freedom to not eat. The freedom from ageing and death. The freedom to jump into a lake, go to the bottom, and not need to breathe.
The freedom to study, to travel, to invent. On and on goes the experience of freedom in the astral world.
Now here we are at the end of a cycle, ascending. And the very first thing that needs to be restored worldwide is freedom.
Freedom to speak. Freedom to assemble. Freedom to worship as one pleases. Freedom to marry whom one pleases. Freedom to decide one’s reproductive choices. On and on the list goes of freedoms that have been eroded.
That having been said, freedom does have its limits. I’m not free to shoot my neighbor. I’m not free to set fire to his house.
As long as we live together and human-rights violations are committed, we’ll need to have the protection of laws and law-enforcers.
But eventually the vibration we live in will have been refined to a point where bliss will be present and will push aside all desires to harm another. That would be inside the Fifth-Dimensional portal, I’d imagine.
So the situation will right itself. It’s only the transitional period we need to manage. And the chaos outside seems to suggest there’s a lot of management needed. But we’re assured that the chaos will pass and that reassurance is certainly one that I’ve accepted.
Where are the lightworker leaders in the field of human rights? Where is the person or persons who will write a human-rights charter that reflects the universal laws and divine qualities?
There’s no need for you to be waiting for the Reval. This is something that’s needed that can be done now.