In my reading with Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon on Feb. 20, 2018, I asked Archangel Michael about Monsanto.
He said that many inspired ideas will be coming to us pre- and post-Reval.
He means for us to explore (perhaps fund) most of them, not to take them on as a project.
At the same time, he also assured us that Avaaz would not succumb to Monsanto’s attack.
Here’s that excerpt. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Archangel Michael: Do not get distracted!
Steve: Monsanto?
AAM: Exactly.
Steve: But let’s just talk about that for a minute, Lord, because I’m a little confused. I did consult my feelings before and it felt like I got a green light, so what did I do wrong?
AAM: No, no, no, no!
Steve: No, no, no, no?
AAM: I am teasing you. Let us explain. You see, you automatically, my friend, are defaulting to this, “What did I do wrong?” So let us throw that away.
You felt that you got a green light and the green light was to explore. You will get many, many ideas and many inspirations for worthy projects, undertakings, commitments. It does not mean, in that given moment, that these are undertakings that you are being guided to simply snap up and proceed with.
It is bringing to your attention the magnitude of the various realms and segments of your global undertaking that need to be addressed. So you looked at it, because…
This is an aside…. Many will turn to you in future months and say, “Well what do you think is a worthy project?” So you are being inspired and given ideas but not all of them are for you to do.
So it was a green light to explore, to see some of the intricacies of and appreciate [the idea]. But this project was more external to you, shall we say, out of your wheelhouse.
You were able to more clearly observe that it was of a magnitude that was not appropriate for you to take on at this time. (Or ever, by the way.) But it allowed you to see just how big some of these projects are.
Steve: Oh my gosh! When I read about how complicated it is to stage a boycott and when I saw how big Monsanto was… Wow!
That is a huge project. It’s way beyond my resources but it was a very useful exercise, especially before the Reval. There is only a minimum of impact from it [now] versus…
AAM: It was given to you pre-Reval and many are getting these types of inspirations and it is also very clear indication from this side, from us about the need for cooperation, collegiality and unification of many people into a singular project.
When you think of the huge umbrella, shall we say, and give this as an example, of agriculture, Monsanto is just a spoke in that umbrella. So this will be a truly global initiative.
Steve: Oh good. What is the future for Avaaz? It’s being sued by Monsanto and that’s to probably exhaust its finances.
AAM: Avaaz is stronger than ever and it will be very mightily supported so do not worry about them.
Think of it in this way. And there are many such examples but this is a very pertinent one.
This is a David and the Goliath situation. But what is happening amongst the lightworker/loveholder communities is that as these go forward and as money is becoming more freely available, what is happening, the energetics, not just the monetary support but the energetics of lightworkers’ support of the fall guy, the underdog is going to defeat the Goliath. They don’t know what they have taken on.
Steve: Gosh, I’m glad to hear that. And that applies generally I think too.
AAM: Oh yes, this is a complete part of your new paradigm, sweet one.