27 Famous Men Who Are Proud to Be Feminists
by Meghan Werft, Global Citizen, April 10, 2017
The requirements for being a feminist are not hard. Really, all a person needs to do is hold the belief that women and men deserve equal rights.
Still, a 2015 poll revealed that only 18% of people polled in the US claimed to be feminists, maybe due to feminism’s contentious history of racial and religious exclusion or old stereotypes of “bra burners.”
But the good news is that 85% of the same people who were polled on their feminist identity said they believe in equal rights for women, and now feminism is slowly getting a 21st century makeover.
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Today, women do not have equal rights to men. In 90% of countries, sexist laws restrict women; women are subject to higher rates of violence and abuse, and inequality.
Fortunately, more and more people are beginning to understand that being a feminist has nothing to do with hating men, and everything to do with equality between genders. Even better, celebrity buzz has brought attention to women’s equality and men are championing gender equality.
Here are 27 men who are loud and proud feminists.
1. Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Joseph Gordon-Levitt made a video about being a feminist over two years ago. The video also encourages others to talk about feminism, clearing up confusion about the term. Today, through his project Hit Record, he is still championing gender equality.
“I do call myself a feminist,” said Gordon-Levitt. “It’s worth paying attention to the roles that are dictated to us and to realise that we don’t have to fit into these roles. We can be anybody we want to be.”
Check out another full interview answer from Gordon-Levitt on being a feminist here.
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2. Harry Styles
Sure, you can join the ranks of upset fans because Styles only tweeted support for the Women’s March, instead of actually showing up, but the teen pop icon is a self-proclaimed feminist who has supported the ongoing UN Women’s campaign #HeForShe since 2014.
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3. Eddie Vedder
Vedder has been a long-time advocate for both gender equality and ending violence against women. Last year, the Pearl Jam lead singer threw off a sweatshirt onstage to reveal a bright orange shirt with the words “for a Colombia free of violence against women.”
And on the topic of a woman’s right to control her own reproductive health, Vedder had this to say in 1992:
“Decide on the issues and vote — male or female — for this is not just a women’s issue. It’s human rights. If it were a man’s body and it was his destiny we were deciding there would be no issue. Not in today’s male dominated society.”