For whatever reason I now experience there being space between something happening and my response. I’m no longer automatically reacting. I seem to have more room in myself, less craziness. That could be because I’m more at peace and so not as much driven by vasanas (core issues) and the automatic response patterns they give […]
Vasanas Run Deep and They Don’t Run Deep. Paradox?
I was sharing in Kathleen’s meditation group the other night that I’ve been “processing” (read: beating up on) my Dad for the past ten years and I still feel resentful and vengeful. Every History or Sociology class I taught reified into my Father. Every villain I ever fought became my Father. I’ve grown up fighting […]
Introduction to the Constructed Self (Download)
Here comes a detailed look at the constructed self that we fashion to present and manage our image, to look good and sound right. The invitation is to come out from behind the image and be who we really are. Download On the Constructed Self here: Introduction to the Constructed Self What is the […]
What Lies on the Other Side of Self-Servingness?
I use my awareness to uncover the truth. Uncovering the truth in turn elevates my awareness. I’ve worked my way through ever subtler layers of egoic personality. My awareness now falls on individual words I’m using, which, I’m finding, are subtly self-serving. I go through life living events, but then constructing a self-serving story or […]
Acuity of Awareness Increasing
I just came across this passage from a 2012 reading, two days after writing this article, which rang such a bell for me in light of what’s discussed here: “Another measure, my beloved ones, is to do with your mental acuity, including interest in things of the mental body – and, dear Steve, you have […]
Clearing the Space
Here I am doing what I love. And here I am serving the Mother at the same time. (1) And here I am doing what Michael asked me to do (go up along with everyone else and write about it). I’m still amazed that doing what I love could also be serving the Mother and […]
Standing on the Mountain Top – Part 1/2
I read a passage from the Mother and it unleashed a vasana (or core issue) which I’m still in the midst of processing. Naturally I ran for the computer. The passage from the Mother was this: “You are already ‘in and out’ of the fulfillment of your ascension. “[What] is the final watermark? It is […]
Standing on the Mountain Top – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) The vasana is a gigantic GRRRRR! to all the opposition I met along the way – opposition to doing what I’m happily doing right now. Why can’t we be allowed to do what we love and be financially supported? (Just wait for the Reval!) But then I realized that, without […]
What is Trauma? – Part 1/2
Dr. Gabor Mate’s early-childhood-trauma team are multiplying the material available on the subject. I’d like to comment on their ground-breaking work. They ask us to support “the expanding movement to create a more trauma-informed world.” I’m happy to do so. In Part 2, I post his announcement of his Talks on Trauma Series, Part 2. […]
What is Trauma? – Part 2/2
What I call vasanas, Dr. Gabor Mate calls early childhood trauma. Seeing the growing body of specialists he’s brought together over the years is heart-warming to someone who wants to see all our early childhood traumas lift. Here’s his announcement of new talks in his series and a reshowing of The Wisdom of Trauma. Talks […]
I Want My Happiness Back
Since seeing the two-handed script of my Mom and Dad arguing, I’ve been watching my moods, my inner chatter. (1) I’m seeing that the impact on me of watching their heart-breaking conflict, day in and day out, or whenever I ventured out of my room, (2) was way beyond what I’ve seen so far. For […]
Huge Commitment to the Work
Seeing the script I have playing – and the discoveries that it’s leading to – is like an earthquake in my life. (1) And it’s led to numerous aftershocks. It’s opened the door for me to complete the cycle of domestic abuse that occurred in our household. It’s led me to see the identity I […]
From God We Came; To God We Return
Time to return to preparation for Ascension. As an Ascension ethnographer, I’m only writing partly for our own culture and civilization. Many civilizations all over our universe are probably also ascending, perhaps even as we speak. Michael has mentioned other Ascensions in discussing my next assignment: Steve: When will I … have my original dimensionality […]
How the Process of Growth Work Goes
As the chaos swirls outside, the chaos swirls inside as well. In this article I process a residual feeling state. Doing this, I hope, allows me to do a better job in post-Reval roles. And of course every one I can dissolve frees me and elevates my space, which is a contribution to Ascension. It’s […]
The Culmination of Ascension – 6
I confess I’m enjoying this series. Nothing feeds me more than the study of enlightenment. Let me post one more, from Plotinus. Plotinus had numerous transcendental experiences in his lifetime. I’ve posted this passage before. It also may emanate from one who ascended. Is this not a hint of his attainment: “Remaining here, you have […]
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