There’s so much we … OK, OK, I … don’t understand. For instance, take awareness. Awareness transforms. It does so, first of all, in ways I don’t understand or even suspect. Put those aside for the moment with a simple acknowledgment. Second of all, it transforms by allowing the unpleasant sensation or emotion to […]
Introduction to Transformative Awareness (Download)
I’ve completed On Transformative Awareness, which is attached. This is a book on the awareness path, including how awareness works to dissolve knots in consciousness (the truth will set you free), what the joys of awareness are, and how awareness fits with the Divine Plan. Download On Transformative Awareness here: Jesus: You have to […]
The Eye of the Storm
Download here: On the Divine Qualities at I’ve made this point several ways. I keep looking for other metaphors. Up till now I’ve discussed where I believe we need to be as the heart, the center, the balance point, etc. Let me now compare it to the eye of the storm. A hurricane […]
Sending Love Mondays, December 13th — 5pm PST / 8pm EST — Zoom Link
Thank you to everyone Sending Love on our Zoom Mondays. Much gratitude to our star sisters & brothers, angels & archangels, Ascended Masters, the kingdom transmuters, Divine Mother/Father, beloved Gaia, everyOne. Upon joining the Zoom call, I’ll be welcoming, guiding us into the quiet at the top of the hour, microphones muted for 30 minutes […]
Feeling Loving, Blissful, and Ecstatic is an Inside Job
If it’s all about how we feel, as I believe it is for us humans, then what am I doing, in a take-charge manner, to see that I feel my best (as defined by me)? No, I don’t mean anything external. I’d like to keep our attention on the internal. It doesn’t cost anything and […]
Spirituality and Growth
There exists a spectrum to how spiritual evolution is accomplished. At one end is what can be purely called “spirituality”; at the other, what can be purely called “growth.” What’s the difference between the two as terrestrials practiced them? Well, of course, everyone will have their own opinion and that’s as it should be. In […]
The Culmination of Ascension – 6
I confess I’m enjoying this series. Nothing feeds me more than the study of enlightenment. Let me post one more, from Plotinus. Plotinus had numerous transcendental experiences in his lifetime. I’ve posted this passage before. It also may emanate from one who ascended. Is this not a hint of his attainment: “Remaining here, you have […]
Hollywood to the Holy Woods – Story on Sadhvi Bhagawati’s Life – & Overcoming Old Ways of Thinking
The noises are inside of us It’s all me, not them and us Just true me and not true me — distinctions Through my meditative practice — gently bringing my wandering mind back — bring it back to heart center When not true me thoughts that have been internalized from the outer world, […]
Jonathan Van Valin: Meeting Each Other Equal To Equal
There is a way of “looking past” all the stories a person might be telling themselves, past their “egoic structure,” and past all their pain and suffering and contracted self-concept. To what then? What is there? This is why music and art can be so powerful… They can embody what is there without resorting to […]
In the World but Not of It
‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house…. Well, we’re certainly used to waiting! I’m in a philosophical mood today. I feel guided to look at duality, to show that it isn’t inherently bad or wrong. The very first act in the drama of our lives was one of imaginary separation, individuation. No, […]
Who Would I Be Without My Act?
Happy Solstice tomorrow, everyone. The days are getting longer! … but speeding by faster! Again, the Pause has given me ample time for introspection. In a mood of introspection, I just caught myself saying something so significant that I stood there for some time immobilized. There was something about the way I was being socially […]
All is Peaceful
If one goes on a news fast at this moment, interestingly, it adds to the isolation. I do get that for a lot of people, increasing the isolation can be very difficult. Folks in marriages that aren’t working, folks unemployed, folks who can’t visit their hospitalized loved ones. I feel a responsibility to do the […]
The Last Veil Called “I”
What to do during lockdown, quarantine, social isolation, etc.? I’d highly recommend meditation. But I have no depth of background in meditation so I can’t speak to it. I do plan to meditate more myself, given the isolating conditions. But what about during the time when we’re not meditating? How to “make best use of […]
The Only Thing Better is More
Every day comes a new revelation and we still have two weeks to go before the final event. Since we know the ultimate winner (the world) and the inevitability of the failure of dark plans, we can afford to stand back and observe. Or play a role in accountability if that’s our mission. The Divine […]
Starting with “I Accept”
In the Universal Law of Give and Receive is a mantra that keeps expanding for me. I’ll use if for awhile, receive insights, and come back to it again and again for deeper understanding of 5th dimensional growth patterns about managing change. I have to say the mantra is a great one for right Now: […]