Do you notice that – awake or sleeping, in good times or bad – you are always there? If you stayed awake through the process of death, our informants tell us, you’d see you’re still there even then. (1) And happily so. The discipline that pursues the question. “who am I” I call the awareness […]
Dipping a Toe into the Water….
I’m changing my mind on an existential matter, one that I’ve been discussing already. I’m changing my mind on the importance of how we feel. I can feel that my mind or vote has changed. In the past, I’d have looked past how we feel to what we were thinking as what was important in […]
The Final Action is One of Discernment
Happy Thanksgiving, America! The law of free will says that we have the right to live freely as long as our behavior doesn’t harm another. (1) If it does, the law of karma kicks in and teaches us the costs. (2) In my view, we start out learning right and wrong from the law of […]
What is the Purpose of Life?
Written to keep myself in trim while sick and unable to research. On Feb. 13, 1987, I learned that life has a purpose. And I was shown what that purpose was. I was shown it wordlessly. It took ten years to find words for it and ten more years to write it up. (1) Strangely, […]
What Does It Mean to Journey Within?
We’re commonly called to seek the Truth within or that God lives in the heart, etc. Consequently, we’re urged to journey within. Having seen the Self in the “seat of the soul,” the deepest part of the heart, (1) I know that “God lives within” and that “God lives in the heart,” in the sense […]
Access to Divine Mother Unprecedented
I’d like to repeat a conversation in which the Divine Mother confirms for me a really basic aspect of Reality. I do so to underline the fact that we today have unprecedented access to her through numerous mediums. This has never happened in the history of the world. That alone should be a proof of […]
Discrimination, Detachment, and Devotion – Part 4
(Concluded from Part 3, yesterday.) (3) Devote yourself to the Real. We’ve developed our powers of discrimination and used them now to discern what is untrue and unreal. And we’ve detached ourselves from any attachment to these things. Mentally, emotionally and spiritually we now devote ourselves to – in the case of lightworkers – the […]
Discrimination, Detachment, and Devotion – Part 3
(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.) (2) Detach from the unreal. After identifying one thing after another that’s not true or real, we gradually lose our taste altogether for many things that used to excite us. Foods we’ve always loved, drinks, locations, activities – now we find all of our tastes changing and much of the […]
Discrimination, Detachment, and Devotion – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) (1) Discriminate between the Real and the unreal. As was revealed to me in a vision on Feb. 13, 1987, the purpose of life is for us to realize who we are. (1) Before I turn to discrimination proper, I’d like to look at life’s purpose. If we only want […]
Discrimination, Detachment, and Devotion – Part 1
I’ve been putting off writing this article for some time but I now feel the time has arrived. There’s such chaos outside that I need to clarify for myself my basic values, to remind myself what course I want to steer. To do that, I’d like to describe a spiritual path that derives from Hinduism. […]
Only the One Can Realize the One
My friend, I’m going to call him the Whistling Gypsy, especially liked this quote from Sage Vasistha, as being the most reflective of his experience of God-Realization: (1) “[The] absolute cannot be realized or experienced by another; only the absolute can realize itself.” (2) I also like it. Just think about it for a sec: […]
Gradual Ascension, Much to Learn – Part 1/2
I find bliss relatively easy to access these days compared to, say, a year ago. This is progress. It’s a gradual unfolding, so gradual for us that we may not even notice it. This is how it has to be – slow and easy – as far as I’m concerned. I remember sitting in an […]
The Destination is Worth the Rigor
When I think of Ascension as a journey up a mountain, I weep. Because for me, that’s how it’s seemed. I could have said pulling myself out of a swamp. Or crossing a desert. These are just images, but I feel so tired looking at the journey from this vantage point. It’s been a long […]
And Then, Another Bridge
I’m finding there comes a time when a bridge is crossed. It’s one of many bridges, one of them being Ascension itself. (1) And, like so much else, for the experience to flower, I have to consciously recognize what’s happening. I have to move from unconscious awareness of the thing in question to conscious awareness. […]
Why is Awareness so Important?
Why is awareness so important? Why not love? Why not good works? Well, of course those are also very important. But awareness – which is also called discernment and discrimination in some religions – is of ultimate importance. Why? By now I should be able to ask “What is the purpose of life?” and a […]