As part of my desire to revive the growth movement, I’d like to look at an intercession point in the cycle of conflict. Before doing that, I have to reassure people that I believe almost everyone has this cycle going on with them, at some level, in some form or another, princes and paupers. […]
Owning Our Shadow Side
I’ve come back from family violence severe enough to cause me to be dissociated for fifty years, during all of which I observed. And observed. And observed. As a result of it all, I feel qualified to comment on some of our ways of handling matters. In Mein Kampf, Hitler said to capture leadership of […]
How do I Feel after the Storm Subsides?
Well, no, not this! This is the storm. My experience of dismay continues. (1) As I remained with it and interacted with other people, I noticed a companion feeling to dismay and that was one of dread. Boy, are deep-seated matters coming up now or what? I have a dentist appointment at 3:30 today and […]
Casting Down a Lack of Self-Confidence
Things are moving through me at such a rate that I may have to resort to posting notes if I’m to journal my own Ascension, as I agreed with Michael and the Mother to do. (1) Only if I write these things down will I remember them. Never mind what I ate for breakfast. Right […]
My Relationship to Anger is Changing
As the love energies increase on the planet, my relationship to anger is changing. The background is that my Dad shouted at me from inches in front of my face at age 7. My personality shattered. That bent the twig and the tree inclined in the direction of dissociation – for another 50 years – […]
Who’s Behind the Curtain?
I’d like to take a very simple example of dawning awareness and use it to illustrate the levels of knowledge (intellectual – experiential – realizational). I had the awareness dawn earlier today that I can’t change a person’s behavior; the most I can do is model the alternative. No big deal unto itself, but it’s […]
Things that Have to Go, New Year’s or Not
Another personality element that I have to draw on in building is experience as a military commander many centuries ago. Some of the skills are exportable; some not. The sense of reliance upon the group and of being powerless without their assistance is exportable. A sense of the need for sound and stable leadership towards […]
Introduction to the Constructed Self (Download)
Here comes a detailed look at the constructed self that we fashion to present and manage our image, to look good and sound right. The invitation is to come out from behind the image and be who we really are. Download On the Constructed Self here: Introduction to the Constructed Self What is the […]
Putting the Global Humpty Together Again
If your personality was blown off you at an early age in violent circumstances, so that you thought of yourself as the Humpty Dumpty Man, what would be your greatest impulse? To bring all the pieces back together again. To consolidate. To integrate. To rebuild, reconstruct, reassemble. Isn’t that so? What an interesting circumstance for […]
Not Another Lifetime of Perpetual Reactivity and Unrealized Potential
Having committed to the divine qualities, as a way of anchoring myself in them, what next confronts me are the reaction patterns that vasanas (core issues, early childhood trauma) give rise to. Up till now, I’ve been mainly concerned with my vasanas, and not with the automatic reaction patterns they give rise to. Commitment does […]
I See It in Myself
This morning I observed myself as I acted mechanically, below awareness, and aggressively. The situation was mundane. I’ve been allowing my waste paper pile to grow rather than shredding it as we go along. It’s reached sizable proportions and I’ve come to a shred-it-now-or-never point. I’m having a real but crazy argument with myself and […]
What is Trauma? – Part 1/2
Dr. Gabor Mate’s early-childhood-trauma team are multiplying the material available on the subject. I’d like to comment on their ground-breaking work. They ask us to support “the expanding movement to create a more trauma-informed world.” I’m happy to do so. In Part 2, I post his announcement of his Talks on Trauma Series, Part 2. […]
Huge Commitment to the Work
Seeing the script I have playing – and the discoveries that it’s leading to – is like an earthquake in my life. (1) And it’s led to numerous aftershocks. It’s opened the door for me to complete the cycle of domestic abuse that occurred in our household. It’s led me to see the identity I […]
How the Process of Growth Work Goes
As the chaos swirls outside, the chaos swirls inside as well. In this article I process a residual feeling state. Doing this, I hope, allows me to do a better job in post-Reval roles. And of course every one I can dissolve frees me and elevates my space, which is a contribution to Ascension. It’s […]
Not Out of the Woods
I’ve been walking around triggering myself for a while now. And if I walk the trigger back, I find that I’m disappointed in myself (Mother). I’m disappointed because I reacted to some forgotten thought with irritation, anger, aggressiveness, or some negative attitude (Father). I have my Father and Mother endlessly arguing in my head. The […]
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