As I emerge, ascend, and integrate, I find myself navigating the change-over from negative (the troll under the bridge) to positive. Let me say a word about “being positive” at the get-go. I’m aware of the objections to “being positive.” I was there myself. I postponed making a needed transition in my life for decades […]
But I AM Entitled!
I’m staring at this huge vein of entitlement that I have. White, male, college-educated, lives in a supposedly democratic country, on and on. I’m entitled. You may say, well, just wake up. But it goes far deeper than the conscious mind. I described these earlier as automatic behavior patterns that are habitual. They’re the precipitate […]
Owning Our Shadow Side
I’ve come back from family violence severe enough to cause me to be dissociated for fifty years, during all of which I observed. And observed. And observed. As a result of it all, I feel qualified to comment on some of our ways of handling matters. In Mein Kampf, Hitler said to capture leadership of […]
Right/Wrong Not a Way Out
I was talking yesterday about the cycle of conflict and breaking free from it. Let me start with some background. Carousel of Tears I spent my first fourteen formative years on this carousel of tears I call a cycle of conflict. It was a never-ending loop which usually ended in divorce. I’ve seen very few […]
Being a Maestro, an Orchestra Leader
I think it amazing the amount and depth of clearing that’s happening – for me right now – I assume it’s general. I’m usually a weather vane. Things 20-30 years old are coming up, with force. The only thing I can do when a sleeping volcano erupts is to make it short and hopefully scream […]
Dr. Margaret Paul: Welcoming our Disowned Parts
With thanks to Rosa. January 23, 2023 Our wounded parts heal with love and truth, not with being disowned. Trying to get rid of your wounded self will keep you stuck in your wounded self. “I just want to get rid of the part of me that gets angry so easily.” “I hate the […]
Changing My Vote on Change
The movie, Unsinkable, which had a free showing recently, was a toolbox of approaches to core issues – what I call vasanas – the karmic seeds of future action. (1) I noticed one place where our approaches differ. Unsinkable would have us change our thought patterns. I’ve only dabbled with that approach recently. Previously my […]
Vasanas Run Deep and They Don’t Run Deep. Paradox?
I was sharing in Kathleen’s meditation group the other night that I’ve been “processing” (read: beating up on) my Dad for the past ten years and I still feel resentful and vengeful. Every History or Sociology class I taught reified into my Father. Every villain I ever fought became my Father. I’ve grown up fighting […]
Experiencing Anger … for a Change
For the first time in memory, I got angry this evening and, instead of hurling allegations at another, who after all “made me mad,” instead of festering with it, instead of revenging myself on the other person, I opened to the experience of it. It turned out to be a feeling just like any other. […]
Digger: Spidey Sense
by Digger Barr It was a huge spider. No, It was a huge ass spider! I am not even kidding. I don’t remember screaming but apparently when the neighbor called to check if everything was okay, it must have been loud. My friend spotted it first. Well, it was her apartment so things like a […]
Experiencing Many Divine States at Once
Everything I’ve ever said about the divine energy of love, I’d like to copy and paste here about the divine state of peace. It’s as high above our everyday sense of peace as the divine energy of love is our everyday sense of love. Entering into it doesn’t come with trumpets blaring or searchlights sweeping […]
Acuity of Awareness Increasing
I just came across this passage from a 2012 reading, two days after writing this article, which rang such a bell for me in light of what’s discussed here: “Another measure, my beloved ones, is to do with your mental acuity, including interest in things of the mental body – and, dear Steve, you have […]
Standing on the Mountain Top – Part 1/2
I read a passage from the Mother and it unleashed a vasana (or core issue) which I’m still in the midst of processing. Naturally I ran for the computer. The passage from the Mother was this: “You are already ‘in and out’ of the fulfillment of your ascension. “[What] is the final watermark? It is […]
Standing on the Mountain Top – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) The vasana is a gigantic GRRRRR! to all the opposition I met along the way – opposition to doing what I’m happily doing right now. Why can’t we be allowed to do what we love and be financially supported? (Just wait for the Reval!) But then I realized that, without […]
We Talk Little about What’s Most Important to Us: How We Feel
From a life of observation, as you know, I’ve reached the conclusion that how we feel is what’s most important to human beings. Everything seems to get channeled through the filter of “how do we feel about it?” We go to Hawaii and rent a room over Waikiki for that magic moment. What does that […]