I’m having a debate with myself around the “I” that always exists. I know from being outside my body that that “I” continues to exist whereas the body does not. If I am that “I” that always exists, then why don’t I act like it? What is there to fear? Why am I hesitant, drawn […]
Special Time, Special Rules
I love what the Elohim say here: “Those who have suffered and witnessed gross injustice might understandably seek a world [timeline] in which justice is fair and reliable. Those with debilitating physical and mental illnesses, or their loved ones, might understandably seek a world in which health is protected and healing is advanced. “But some […]
Reconciling Work and Joy
I’m a workaholic by nature, an impatient Type A. Archangel Michael once confessed to me that he gave me MSSA when I was in the hospital in 2018 to keep me horizontal for another week. (1) I love to work. I love to reach a certain energy level, often when my fingers are flying. […]
The Growth Movement Meets Business…. – Part 1/2
So much is being brought up to awareness at this time. And I know it’s the same for others I speak to. There are some absolutely critical splits and dissociations that I’m finding raised in me. Forgive me if this post is a mite long, but I’m working this one out in the moment. One […]
The Source of Our Upsets and Their Cure (Download)
Folks, I’ve expanded and revised Vasanas: Preparing for Ascension by Clearing Old Issues and include a copy for downloading here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Vasanas-Preparing-for-Ascension-R10.pdf Here’s an intro to the subject. The Source of Our Upsets and Their Cure From Dec. 24, 2012 https://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/12/24/the-source-of-our-upsets-and-their-cure/ “Bah, humbug. Why do I need to know about vasanas?” A vasana is a reaction […]
How Do We Handle Depravity? – Part 3/3
(Concluded from Part 2, yesterday.) Weathering the Storm Meanwhile, we have to weather the storm before discussing how to live at the experiential level. We’ve got to get through the emergency first. To do that, we need to release, express, give voice to our feelings. Scream into a pillow, write stream-of-consciousness, share with a […]
I Don’t Need to Handle the Other Person’s Conflict
My work with the cycle of conflict continues and enters a new phase. In working with the cycle as a satisfied single, a happy hermit, I’ve seen that, in one respect, the cycle is irrelevant to me. As long as there is conflict inside of me, I’ll see conflict outside. As within, so without. I […]
Thomas Hubl: FREE Summit for Collective Trauma Healing
From Thomas: Prejudice, discrimination, inequality, poverty, global warming, political conflict, and war can be traced back to our deeply rooted collective trauma. When collective trauma is not acknowledged and addressed it continues, affecting individuals, communities, and societies across generations. Thomas invites you to join a special Event for global healing. https://collectivetraumasummit.com/
Relational Attunement: How We Heal Together
Steve: In this free, live event, Thomas and Gabor look at how to deal with individual trauma and, I hope, collective trauma as well. They say “trauma.” I say “vasana.” (Let’s call the whole thing off!) (1) I don’t usually advertise events, but this one, I believe, is one I don’t think anyone should miss. […]
The Phase of Purification Called Growth
A newly-awakening person might ask if what we’re promoting here is a new religion. I don’t think so. What we’re doing, more, is chronicling two aspects of the Purification phase of the Ascension we’re involved in. It’s true that our Ascension is what the prophets meant when they used words like “Salvation” and “Redemption.” There […]
Therein Lies the Work
If the Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court went forward in time to this age, what would he see? Well, first of all, he wouldn’t travel to King Arthur’s court; he’d be surfing the Internet. And his liege lord, Arthur, wouldn’t be worrying about his wife running off with his chief knight. The current ruler […]
Breaking the Self-Serving Cycle
Long. A little technical, maybe complicated. I’m OK if you skip it and go on to the next article. As living, breathing beings, while in human form (as opposed to angelic form), (1) in my view, we create ourselves. Some people call what we create a “personality” or an “ego.” (“Ego” means “I.”) I think […]
Being a Maestro, an Orchestra Leader
I think it amazing the amount and depth of clearing that’s happening – for me right now – I assume it’s general. I’m usually a weather vane. Things 20-30 years old are coming up, with force. The only thing I can do when a sleeping volcano erupts is to make it short and hopefully scream […]
The Impact of a Change of Vote
Our love and blessings go out to President Trump as he responds to the sealed indictment this week. Blossom’s Federation said these events will see the beginning of “Phase 2.” SG Anon in File 47 also said this marked a new phase. But, while having one eye on what’s happening there and elsewhere, I still […]
Carving or Releasing a Form?
Imagine you’re a sculptor. Are you carving a form out of marble? Or are you releasing a form from the marble that obscures it? If we were talking about spiritual unfoldment, would it not be the latter? The spirit is already in form. The spirit is “driving” the body, looking out through the eyes, operating […]