Growing up under a parent who served in the Second World War offered its challenges to me. Discipline was the back of the hand. I may as well have been in boot camp. I was a lazy no-good good-for-nothing because I liked to read rather than swim and golf and play tennis. At this very […]
Relational Attunement: How We Heal Together
Steve: In this free, live event, Thomas and Gabor look at how to deal with individual trauma and, I hope, collective trauma as well. They say “trauma.” I say “vasana.” (Let’s call the whole thing off!) (1) I don’t usually advertise events, but this one, I believe, is one I don’t think anyone should miss. […]
Reawakening to a Financial World
I’m gripped with a desire to get present with money in preparation for the Reval. And so I’ve taken all my money out of the bank, in $5 notes, and am doling it out to myself for computer supplies, household expenses, etc.; then keeping records. It isn’t that I need to do any of this. […]
Not Another Lifetime of Perpetual Reactivity and Unrealized Potential
Having committed to the divine qualities, as a way of anchoring myself in them, what next confronts me are the reaction patterns that vasanas (core issues, early childhood trauma) give rise to. Up till now, I’ve been mainly concerned with my vasanas, and not with the automatic reaction patterns they give rise to. Commitment does […]
Adama of Telos: Higher Chakra Upgrades
by Asara Greetings, Beloved Ones. We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos. At this time, you are receiving a ten times more intensified energy upgrade to your higher chakras, as the Grand Shift for planet Earth is accelerating rapidly. […]
Riding the Horse in the Direction It’s Going
Most people define their careers in terms of what exists. And they fit into a possibly well-defined career description. My first career – history – had not been well defined the two subfields – cultural history and evolutionary history – that I chose to specialize in at the time (1968-73). But to go further I […]
Riding Out the Perfect Storm
For me this seems like a time of strangeness, a time of weirdness. On the one hand, I feel determined in certain areas; on the other hand, I feel weak and vacillating in others. There was a cartoon in one of the leading magazines decades ago called “Top Dog/Underdog.” Inside was the outline of a […]
Thomas Hubl: 10-Day Collective Trauma Summit, September 22nd
10-Day Collective Trauma Summit Starts September 22 Registration is now open for the second annual Collective Trauma Summit, organized by Thomas Hübl. Last year this summit attracted over 50,000 participants and featured more than 30 talks with trauma experts, activists, and cultural visionaries. This year’s Summit is a 10-day event (September 22 – October 1) […]
Going with the Flow
Archangel Michael: You are anchored in what it truly means to be a Nova Being and this will just grow. We do not describe or prescribe it because it will be – and it has need to be – a journey of discovery, of knowing, a depth of knowing, of trust and expansion. (1) My […]
John Pavlovitz: An Open Letter to Those Who Still Give a Damn
(Originally published JULY 21, 2018) John Pavlovitz, It’s exhausting to give a damn isn’t it? To be a person of compassion in a time when compassion is in such great demand? To wake up every day in days like these, and push back against predatory politicians and toxic systems and human rights atrocities and […]
Grief Waiting to Explode
I’ve just had some devastating news recently. It wouldn’t be fair to name the person involved. But I can’t imagine the shaft penetrating deeper into my heart. I’m going through one space after another – grief, hatred, the collapse of self-importance, helplessness. It also has me addressing some issues in my life that have been […]
Moving Art by Louis Schwartzberg
Thanks to Linda Dillon for this. A backdrop of time-lapse photography illustrates how gratefulness makes a good day.
You Were Made For These Times
You Were Made For These Times By Clarissa Pinkola Estes My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now. Ours is a time of almost daily […]
Emerging from the Shell
I was talking to a colleague when someone planted the idea in my mind – out of nowhere – that it’s all about emergence. For us it’s all about coming out of our shells. What is “it”? Growth. Enlightenment. Ultimately Ascension. We’ve been conditioned by a hundred forces all our lives. It’s time to come […]
Inner Peace Within?
One-hundred and seventy-six people had their lives snuffed out recently, over … well, it doesn’t really matter what or where. (1) And it isn’t the only loss of life today. Catastrophes and tragedies are happening all over and on a scale that is unprecedented – witness the false flags in Australia and China. I’d like […]