There’s stress we have some control over and stress we don’t. You’d think I’d want to write about stress we have some control over. But actually I’d like to look for a moment at stress we don’t. I’m beginning to experience my own level of stress rising as a result of (A) background noise and […]
Riding the Horse in the Direction It’s Going
Most people define their careers in terms of what exists. And they fit into a possibly well-defined career description. My first career – history – had not been well defined the two subfields – cultural history and evolutionary history – that I chose to specialize in at the time (1968-73). But to go further I […]
Bringing on the Bliss (Reposted)
I came across this article from 2013 in the process of compiling a book on vasanas (or core issues). It’s so germane to what we’re going through right now that I wanted to repost it. I was listening to music that my friend Ed sent along, which I’ll append here, and the bliss started to […]
Missions for Sale … No, Free
I can’t remember how it all started. I clicked on a story about what older celebrities were doing today. Then I clicked on one article after another of urban violence and fascistic assaults on people in Costco and Walmart and … oh my gawd I woke up at this moment and closed the couple of […]
Thank You for Following This Series
Someone asked me, you said you were aligning on creating an end to pedophilia by Jan. 1, 2020. What happened? Well, the answer is nothing happened. I didn’t know what to do to make the context come alive and no one I know of joined me and aligned on it. And so it may be […]
Creating an Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 12/12
How a caterpillar came to fly would be a question a caterpillar would try to answer from the limited perspective of what already exists, Werner says. The creation of a context dissolves limitations; it transforms the condition of unworkability and creates an opportunity for solutions to occur, that did not previously exist. Werner Erhard, The […]
Creating an Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 11/12
The Hunger Project is not an agreement of people who consider themselves to be part of it. It is an alignment of wholes or Selves, each of whom takes total responsibility for the outcome. “The Hunger Project is not you doing your part. It is a transformation from you doing your part, to you being […]
Creating an Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 10/12
When we create a context, there’s a shift in the space in which things are held. It’s that shift in the climate, the space that makes things suddenly workable. The Hunger Project is a natural consequence of the experience of individual and personal responsibility, of our Self’s experience that hunger and starvation exist in our […]
Creating an Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 9/12
Werner tells us that context generates process. A contextually-generated process aligns the existing forces within the context. Then the aligned forces provide a condition of workability. Werner Erhard, The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come. 1977, at In a newly-created context the most important position is the position, “It can’t […]
Creating an Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 8/12
The project to put a man on the moon by the end of the Sixties is an example of creating a context, which transcended the forces ranged against it, and brought about the result. The use of a deadline allows for an orchestration of efforts which would not be possible if we left the goal […]
Creating an Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 7/12
What makes an idea one whose time has come? An idea’s time comes when the state of its existence is transformed from content into context. The matter is not something we can figure out with our minds. This work transcends ordinary intellect. Werner Erhard, The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come. […]
Creating an Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 6/12
What will overcome the conditions and forces is an idea whose time has come, Werner asserts. When something’s time comes, change takes whatever form is available to it and happens. Werner Erhard, The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come. 1977, at An Idea Whose Time Has Come Victor Hugo said, […]
Creating an Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 5/12
Werner tells us that our beliefs create a fundamental condition in which we live our lives and give rise to forces which are impossible to resist as long as we approach matters out of that condition. A condition is a position, a point of view or belief, that functions as a fundamental ground of being. […]
Creating an Idea Whose Time has Come – Part 4/11
Any position we take simply calls up its opposite, Werner asserts. We end up in a “pea soup” of positions and their opposites. Confusion, controversy, conflict, doubt, lack of trust, and opinions surrounding the problem of hunger and starvation result inevitably from any position we take. Werner Erhard, The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea […]
Creating a World that Works, by Jan. 1, 2023
I’d ordinarily wait for Werner’s booklet (1) to finish being posted before writing this article, but, just as I couldn’t stay a moment longer in the hospital, (2) having read the document, so I can’t wait another day before beginning to outline where I and this blog will be going. As you’ll see if you […]