My post-Reval humanitarian-philanthropist mission came up today. For no reason I’m aware of. Maybe my guides are shifting the focus of my awareness for the moment. And I had a breakthrough in conceptualization that I’d like to share with you. First a bit of background. The Michaelangelo Foundation (MF) is going to be supplying […]
Altering Our View of the Enlightenment Process
I wanted to take a moment out to elaborate on a comment that I made in Wendy Zammit’s interview, (1) that enlightenment is not a process as simple as us going as far as we can and then the divine steps in. But to say what the process is is not something that can […]
Living in the Moment Can Be a Gamble – Part 1/2
This article is intended to be part of an ascension ethnography. (1) Hence it’s more detailed than normal, especially the footnotes. I apologize if it’s found to be too lengthy or detailed. It’s embarrassing to walk around with very little memory. The only thing that makes it bearable is that most of my friends are […]
To Zoom or not to Zoom?
I’m over here, Zoom! I wrote this article before Zoom responded to the blowback from their new regulations. I’m going to release the article anyways because we may find ourselves in similar circumstances in the future and the exploration may prove helpful. I’ve been asked to address the Zoom controversy. Here’s the item that’s circulating […]
Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message, July 7, 2023
7th July 2023. Mike Quinsey. The ways of Humanity do not favour a quick solution to your problems, as you do not put forward answers that come from sharing the responsibility with others. There is a lack of trust and a desire to be dominant, so that it is difficult to get others to join […]
Gandhi Wiki Up
To help myself understand the peace that I experienced (1) and the peace that we’re all headed for with Ascension (or sooner), I gathered together some previously-incomplete research on Mahatma Gandhi from a more historically-oriented time in my life. I’ve combined and uploaded it into one database: Non-Violence as the Law of Life – Mahatma […]
The Disintegration of the Deep State and the Emergence of Nova Earth
Two narratives are going forward with lightworkers at the same time. The deep state is being exposed and dethroned (hence the military preparations) and the public is waking up to their horrible plight – an evil organization actually is trying to take over the world. This is not science fiction and it’s not a conspiracy […]
Discretion Reigns
Steve: How do I guarantee that corruption won’t set in [in the Michaelangelo Fund]? AAM: First of all, (laughing) who do you think you are working with, dear heart? (1) Who indeed! So here I am, presented with the wonderful opportunity to co-create with Archangel Michael: AAM: We are a team. We are allies and we […]
What Was in the Envelope – Part 1/2
For your eyes only Ok, I’m now beginning to connect a few dots. The event that happened to me a few days ago, where I suddenly realized my role with Michael, what I’m to do here, etc., (1) is, I’m willing to wager, what Blossom’s Federation of Light has described as receiving our envelope: Federation […]
What Was in the Envelope – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) I began to piece the puzzle together. Oh, this is why he says this. And this is why he says that. Over and over he told me and I did not get it. I was not ready for it. On sacred partnership: Archangel Michael: Our partnership is sacred. (1) AAM: […]
Point of View and Life Purpose
Having a point of view is a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing is it focuses attention. The bad thing is it restricts attention. It depends on your point of view. My point of view seems quite important at this moment because I was just given a piece of bad news. What […]
Strapped in My Seat, Doing What I Love to Do
Honestly, looking over the news today, how could it get worse short of an all-out war, which our star family will not allow. (1) The cabal, which has existed in one form or another through most of human history … if we even know what human history is any more … is not destined to […]
More Than Anything Else in the World….
If I didn’t think the word had power, I wouldn’t be writing. I’d be sweeping streets or washing dishes. And living in a self-contained unit on the Downtown Eastside, all quite happy. No, no, no. I know the word can inspire, empower, and ennoble. Or I wouldn’t be here. Writing allows for reflection, a measured […]
The Council of Light through Amanda Lamond, Jan. 14, 2023
I’ve asked Amanda Lamond, whom you may remember from The Power of Love and Truth, (1) to share with us the next part of her journey. She recently (Jan. 14) received instructions from the Council of Light, whom she channels, that it’s time to launch the Ministry of Eternal Light. The Ministry is for all those […]
Stillness of Mind: One of Our Accepted Tools?
Notice this. In past decades we’d have said that a still mind would be immediately followed by some spiritual experience. No, not in my case. Still mind is still mind and I still walk around perfectly normal. I don’t even notice it as I go about my day. … Except … now that you mention […]