President Trump at presser, Mar-a-Lago, 2024 campaign
In the course of looking for an account of Malaysian Airlines Flt 370 in the database, I passed these quotes from Matthew, which are so germane to our situation that I’d like to repost them here. This is the state of the Republican Party before Donald Trump really got going. You can see the situation, the state of play – and the role of higher-dimensional councils.
What we’ve seen since then, I believe, does not show the attractiveness of the Republican Party so much as the appeal of everything Donald Trump has brought with him and the plans of the white hats and spiritual forces behind him. I assert that it was neither a Republican nor a conservative victory, but a Trump-will-lead-us-out-of-the-wasteland victory.
Matthew’s Message, Oct. 19, 2014, at https://www.matthewbooks.com
Matthew Ward: Vital to the plan [to take down the deep state] were souls who would create the harsh circumstances the masses needed and when that was completed, join the light forces. Only the most highly evolved beings could be entrusted with those missions, and the council selected the volunteers whose dependability in the most challenging areas of light service had been proven time and again.
There was no reason whatsoever to anticipate that they would renege on the latter part of their agreement, but that is what happened. Those individuals had fallen under the spell of the darkness that engulfed the planet and they refused to relinquish their power, control of the masses and fortunes gained illegally or immorally. No amount of urging at soul- and conscious-levels, pledges of assistance or warnings about self-judgment in lifetime reviews convinced them to honor their agreement.
They are the top of the Illuminati, an alliance of disparate groups that own or have infiltrated every organization, institution and corporation that impacts life in your world, from governments to banking and commerce, religions to education and media, military, entertainment, legal and justice systems. The alliance, which is pyramidal with a handful of individuals at the peak and many, many minions at the bottom who have no idea that they are working in league with a malevolent force, also is known to you as the secret government, one world government, new world order, the cabal or the elitists.
Although the council’s timeline for world situations to be greatly improved and the peoples’ burdens eased so they could “see the light” had arrived in your linear time, the Illuminati continued hiding truths and fomenting wars, destruction, disease and impoverishment just as many generations of dark ones had done before them. That didn’t affect Earth’s ascension pace—she entered fourth density right on target as predestined, at the end of 2012—but relentless turmoil and hardships and ignorance of truths have kept most of her peoples within third density’s limited conscious and spiritual awareness.
The billions who are coping with one hardship or injustice piled atop others or are barely surviving cannot imagine anything except the violence, misery, despair and fear in their lives. Troops in combat believe what they have been told: It is your patriotic duty to fight for freedom or it is your responsibility to avenge what was done to your ancestors. The large numbers employed in companies that produce the machinery of war may abhor war’s death and destruction, but their foremost interest is their livelihood that supports their families.
Thus, contrary to the council’s expectations of your society’s advancement by 2007, thoughts of a peaceful world where everyone shares equally Earth’s abundance had but a feeble toehold in the collective consciousness.
Matthew’s Message, Aug. 3, 2014,
We have been asked about the speculation that the United States government had a hand in downing the Malaysian plane in Ukraine and the accusations that the Russian government did. Our colleagues in Nirvana say neither is responsible—it was the work of the “black ops” arm of the Illuminati-controlled faction of the CIA, the same force that is egging on the pro-Russian separatist movement in Ukraine.
That faction, which operates independently of all governments’ oversight, respects no national borders. Wherever some citizens are dissatisfied with their elected leaders, the agents either instigate or exacerbate uprisings to heighten tension, implicate whatever national leaders would be appropriate and help the dissidents obtain weaponry and supplies. “Black ops” personnel, like the rest of the Illuminati, feed on negativity, and their means of refueling themselves is creating negativity-laden chaos, fear, death, injury, sorrow and destruction.
The Illuminati’s international network has been so severely weakened that they no longer are the overriding force they were many decades past, when they easily started two world wars and in each profited handsomely by selling to both sides whatever was needed to keep the machinery of war going. Although their ability to start WWIII and add to their ill-gotten fortunes never was to be, except in their deluded thoughts, they are nourishing themselves for the moment with the negativity of concerns about where fighting in Ukraine may lead and high emotions about the plane tragedy and its aftermath. …
Readers have asked why the United States’ government “works against the people of that country instead of for them” and our view of the Republican party’s “stupid lawsuit against the president instead of taking care of what we the people need.”
The primary reason the United States government isn’t more responsive to the citizenry’s needs is that some members of Congress are Illuminati and others are financed, bribed or blackmailed into voting as the Illuminati dictate. Of all nations you call “industrialized,” the United States has the most externally-controlled government—the Federal Reserve System, multinational corporations, the medical profession and its related industries and agencies all have a large say in what Congress does.
In numerous messages we have spoken about the strong souls who agreed to provide the severe hardships that masses of souls needed to wind up third density karma, then those strong souls would join the light forces; instead they became greedy and enamored of power and control and they refused to honor their pre-birth agreement. Those individuals are the Illuminati, and their activities have set back progress by ten years or so.
Earth’s ascension pace wasn’t affected, but your society’s was. The Golden Age master plan was designed so that when Barack Obama became US president in 2008, your world would eagerly support his efforts to unite all peoples in peace and harmony with Nature in accordance with Gaia’s vision. The Illuminati-led offensive against that objective has been relentless. Even so, the light has shattered their international network and diminished the effectiveness of its remnants while engendering the expansion of grassroots movements around the globe and increasingly successful behind-the-scenes negotiations.
As for the lawsuit against President Obama, we see it as a neon arrow pointing to the country’s serious issue that the Republican party’s most conservative contingent—“The Tea Party”—also limits the government’s responsiveness to the needs of the people. This doesn’t mean that those individuals are in the Illuminati ranks; simply, they want the country run according to their wishes and philosophies. The other Republicans, eager to sweep the party to election victories in all the states, join with Tea Party members to vote as a bloc, and their voting record shows that often it doesn’t coincide with what would benefit the majority of citizens.