I’m very pleased and heartened to see the number of lightworkers who are organizing community or connecting for similar productive ends. I see this as co-creative partnership at work. (1) I don’t know of that many: Simon Parkes in the UK and Connecting Consciousness, Mike Neye from Australia with Beyond Being Human, Arn Allingham (Zingdad) […]
Freedom has Limits; or, Looking to Go Another Way
Your freedom, my freedom in Fourth-Dimensional human society has limits. I’m not free to shoot anyone. I’m not free to rape anyone. I’m not free to burn someone’s house down. There are always limits to freedom. They’re there for our protection against those who would abuse us if we were not protected. You can […]
Global Governance or Global Governance: Choose
This is another distinction that I’d like to make, now rather than later, so that it has time to percolate: We’re not going to escape the need for global governance. We call the elitists “globalists,” but that obscures the fact that the forces of the Light will also need to seek global governance. No […]
Rebuilding the Cultural Foundations of Our Society (An Appeal)
Rebuilding our cultural foundations What’s happening? With the passing of the New Year and no Reval, I’ve passed the limits of my own waiting for things to change. (1) The blessings we’re waiting for will come as and when they do. I can only live on adrenalin for so long. Instead, I’m beginning in on […]
Valerie Donner: Invitation to Town Hall Meeting “Standing Together”
Invitation to Town Hall Meeting “Standing Together” presented by PeopleUnited.net Valerie Donner Dear Ground Crew: My dear friend, Dr. Len Saputo, MD, has created an organization called “People United.” The intention is to unite us on our planet instead of divide us. Dr. Saputo is 83 years young and is still practicing full time as […]
Adding Another Meaning to “World Leader”
I’d like to add another meaning to the term “world leader.” Right now it means someone who’s leading a nation, an international body, a religion, etc. But most of us are on social media or blogs. We don’t lead nations, international bodies, etc. But we’re not only discussing world issues. We also know the impact […]
Archangel Michael: What is Leadership? – Part 1/2
A very powerful two-part discussion from Michael on leadership, the need of the moment. Linda Dillon channeling. “Lightworker” and “leader” go together, to my mind. Only lightworkers know the Divine Plan and have aligned with it. Others who do not and have not lack the clarity of vision, sense of direction, and strength of […]
United Through Love
This 3D mental/emotional world is structured so that one attitudinal thing cannot exist without its opposite. It’s the existence of the opposite, to which one adheres, that makes for the persistence of the thing itself. For instance, like is relative to dislike. Good is relative to bad. Beautiful is relative to ugly. Etc. Another example: […]
Why Are Our Kids Living with Us?
It’s probably been some time since western societies knew the phenomenon of adult children living at home. But more and more kids are these days. How did things change? I watched it happen. “We” automated the work force, as was predicted in 1950s television. (1) Only whereas TV predicted automation would be a labor-saving device, […]
Opening to Leadership Responsibility – Part 1/2
The archangels are fully involved in our Ascension. How many times do we get an opportunity to watch one working with his servant? Not many, I believe. They’re working with every one of us of course. We just lack the record of it. Hence I feel an increased responsibility to share from my readings of […]
Opening to Leadership Responsibility – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) In my family my older brother Paul was the leader and I was his lieutenant, who had his back. I think Paul trained me for service with Michael. Within the first year of our discussions together, Michael said something cryptic but astonishing to me: Archangel Michael: You have known that […]
Why a Global Conversation?
Why would one want to have a global conversation? And why now? Because we need to reverse the paralyzing impact of millennia of divide and conquer; Because the governments of the world have shown themselves wanting to kill off most of the planet and enslave the rest; Because only global unity among people can fully […]
Global Conversation? Based on What? Let’s Try Love
I remember how my world expanded when I got my first paper route. All of a sudden it wasn’t just the block I lived on that I was aware of. Or the block beyond. Or the corner store. It was a neighborhood. Real people just like me – and not like me – lived all […]
Podcasts for the Planet
Podcasts for the Planet is a series featuring ecology, ethics, law, finance and more at this unique moment of history and change. Produced by Dona Grace-Campbell, Stop Ecocide Canada. Copy and paste the link below into your browser to listen to the podcasts: https://podcastsfortheplanet.podbean.com/
Touching Base with Our Global Family: Update on the Global Walkout
Monica Smit reports from a conference of leading health activists, in Austria. She discusses the general response to the Global Walkout and what’s next. Monica is showing the relative ease with which a mass movement can be built using the Internet. If she pours on the steam and keeps up the momentum, I wouldn’t be […]
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