Rebuilding our cultural foundations
What’s happening?
With the passing of the New Year and no Reval, I’ve passed the limits of my own waiting for things to change. (1)
The blessings we’re waiting for will come as and when they do. I can only live on adrenalin for so long.
Instead, I’m beginning in on what I regard as one of my life-contributions.
Before going there….
What’s the problem?
The problem I’ll be addressing is that the life-enhancing skills and strategies we knew in the 1970s because of the work of the growth movement were crushed out of us by what we now see and recognize as the Illuminati, cabal, or deep state and its control of social institutions.
In particular, the recession of 1982, which, because of automation, was a “jobless recovery,” saw the labor market become forever a buyer’s market, unions falter, and secure employment with benefits plans dry up.
The growth movement dried up with it. No one had money for workshops.
Instead ours became a kill-or-be-killed world financially as well as militarily. (2)
What my recommendation is
I recommend the reawakening of the growth movement, worldwide:
(A) To restore us to civil discourse and peaceful solutions;
(B) To bleed energy away from the Illuminati, matching the bleeding away of assets and wealth by the Earth Alliance and hastening their departure from the heights of power.
(C) To present the white-hat Earth Alliance with the expression of support they need to finish the job of displacing the Illuminati and replacing them with (1) interim white-hat military governance and, (2) within the 120 days that NESARA specifies, people-oriented governments.
If we as a society embraced the values and strategies of the growth movement and learned how to operate within the world thus constructed, my hypothesis is that we could achieve and hold world peace.
These values and strategies include self-awareness, transparent honesty, personal responsibility, and non-violent communication.
I want to rebuild the cultural foundations of our society along lines that work, rather than lines that haven’t, don’t, and won’t. (3)
I see a great deal of the resulting work being done online. I envision the new Internet (3) to be the ground for the future coming together of humanity and achievement of world peace.
I consider these recommendations to be our best road forward to unify humanity, reawaken the desire for world peace, and re-acquire the skills needed to utterly reform and transform our world. (4)
Let’s move away from incessant warfare to continuing peace.
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(1) We passed the anniversary of 9/11, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, all perfect occasions for the Reval and G/NESARA. I wait no longer.
(2) See:
- Killing for Market Share at , and
- The Impact of Automation on Work at
(3) The Starlink Internet, cleansed of Illuminati influence.
(4) Drawing on skills we learned in kindergarten that, in today’s society, seem to be drilled out of us by the time we graduate.