The archangels are fully involved in our Ascension.
How many times do we get an opportunity to watch one working with his servant? Not many, I believe.
They’re working with every one of us of course. We just lack the record of it. Hence I feel an increased responsibility to share from my readings of co-creative partnership with Archangel Michael.
The minute Michael and I paused talking regularly (late 2020), we went back to working in the way that they work with all of us – whatever that may turn out to be for you.
I hear thoughts being put in my head. I feel the upwelling of transforming love when I think an inspiring thought. I sometimes get a bodily sensation which Michael and I have agreed is his signal for “Yes!”
But here he talks to his servant about the assumption of leadership. And I also want to talk about leadership in the time ahead because I think our time, showtime, is approaching. (1)
Ordinarily I wouldn’t post something like this because it’s intensely personal and opens me to ridicule. But the subject is too important to not release it and other passages like it. He starts by addressing the violence in my family.
Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 3, 2015.
Archangel Michael: It is time for [your] assumption of leadership responsibility to be front and center. So the avoidance due to prior injuries – terrible injury, particularly to one that has been in a leadership or cutting-edge position not only upon Gaia but elsewhere – that was deep devastation.
Now, I am very busy healing the wounds of war and who do you think I am starting with?
My inner cadre, and, dear heart, that includes you. I need you as you need me.
Steve: You are calling me forth, right?
AAM: That is exactly what is happening. That is why this line in the sand is being created [an incident in which I felt I needed to assert my authority].
It is not about the old realm of control or greed, or anything like that. It is, in order for the plan to be unfolding, in order for the practical building blocks (which is what you’re asking for – money) to be in place, there has need to be a very strong re-assumption of leadership. …
Leadership is necessary and it does not mean better than. [The new paradigm] is leadership with love. …
You are getting there. Simply bring [the love] back up, dear heart, and let it flow. (2) It is dormant. You haven’t been attending to it as vigilantly as you might because you have been worried and in fear around finances. Be re-assured and go forth.
You are reconnecting the dots and understanding that this [need for assertion of personal authority] has been nibbling at your heels for a long time. …
It is not about ego. It is not about control. It is about responsibility and about the assumption of what you have voluntarily committed to, as part of this life journey. …
The core foundation, and most certainly the foundation of our agreement, does not change. [My emphasis.]
Since then, I’ve seen the fear of leadership gradually subside. In the second part, below, I accept the responsibilities and role of leadership, which I’ve been avoiding till now.
(Concluded in Part 2, below.)
(1) As you know, I’ve only been wrong every other time I’ve made a prediction so let the buyer beware.
(2) On bringing the love up from the heart and letting it flow, see “God is Intelligent Love,” Dec. 4, 2022, at