I remember how my world expanded when I got my first paper route. All of a sudden it wasn’t just the block I lived on that I was aware of. Or the block beyond. Or the corner store.
It was a neighborhood.
Real people just like me – and not like me – lived all over the place.
A neighborhood became a city, a province, a nation, a Commonwealth of Nations, the United Nations.
Now it’s time to make the jump to a world. And do I know how to do that?
I wouldn’t know anything at all except as it applies to the human race. Not the other kingdoms or the planet. I have to leave that to someone else.
And of the former, all I know is one thing.
If the conversation is not rooted in love, it will not work and, if it does, it will not last. That much I know.
So let’s make that an assertion.
First Principle. I assert that any global conversation, any conversation involving the world, will have to be rooted in love to work or last.
We on this planet have experimented with everything – wealth, extreme sports, sex, war – to win for ourselves what we wanted and none of it brought satisfaction. That’s as it was designed to be. Only God and the divine qualities were meant to satisfy.
That accords with the purpose of life. The purpose of life is enlightenment. In the moment of our enlightenment, God meets God, and for that meeting was all of life created. (1)
The only thing we haven’t tried – except for a few moments at ribbon-cutting ceremonies – is love.
No not a false-face love. Not Pollyanna. Not even romantic love. I’m pointing at real love. What did Michael say of it the other day? Will you allow me to repeat part of it, it was so well said?
“To have an experience of love, it [must move] through you. Now, does it fill you? Does it restore you? Does it nourish you? Does it alter you? Does it change you? Does it give you that evolutionary jump? Yes. It nourishes you, but it also clears you out. In some ways, it will purge many of your remaining illusions.” (2)
My fingers are itching to look at what he says here in more detail. (I will in another article.) But I’ll restrain myself.
This is what Linda Dillon’s sources call a tsunami of love. It’ll restore, nourish, and transform us immediately and instantaneously.
If we don’t feel it, fine. Fully 99.99995 % of people on the planet don’t (factcheck please).
But at least unleash your yearning for it. If you’re not yearning for this kind of love, you’re in a reality I know nothing about. All the known and unknown worlds yearn for true love, to the best of my knowledge.
So, I assert, on my own divine authority, that any global conversation to work and be lasting must be founded in, rooted in, based on love.
Until the folks upstairs enlighten me more on the matter, that’s all I know.
Let’s try love.
(1) See The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at http://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Purpose-of-Life-is-Enlightenment.pdf
(2) The full quote is:
“Love is the energy of the universe. It is the energy of the Mother. And it moves constantly, continually, eternally, infinitely. So, to have an experience of love, it [must move] through you. Now, does it fill you? Does it restore you? Does it nourish you? Does it alter you? Does it change you? Does it give you that evolutionary jump? Yes. It nourishes you, but it also clears you out. In some ways, it will purge many of your remaining illusions.” (Archangel Michael: Go with the Ebb and the Flow of Love,” channeled by Linda Dillon, April 3, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/04/05/archangel-michael-go-with-the-ebb-and-the-flow-of-love/.)
This may rank as my new favorite quote. I read it, love wells up in me, and I am satisfied. QED.
This sentence is key: “To have an experience of love, it [must move] through you.” Yes. Not originate from you, but move through you, coming ultimately from the Mother and, after you experience it passing through you, continuing on its journey eternally, blessing everyone it touches, as Michael describes.