(Concluded from Part 1, above.)
In my family my older brother Paul was the leader and I was his lieutenant, who had his back.
I think Paul trained me for service with Michael.
Within the first year of our discussions together, Michael said something cryptic but astonishing to me:
Archangel Michael: You have known that the time would come when we would ask you to work very much on a global level. (1)
Oooooohhh-Kay. Not sure at the time what he might have been referring to.
I did fill some leadership positions in my youth but I didn’t feel it to be my calling. That was Paul’s calling.
Then the Arcturians remarked, a couple of years later: “There was very little in your early life that would prepare you for being a world leader.” (2) Say what? Who are they talking about, Suzanne?
Over the course of months and maybe years since these comments, I’ve noticed that there have been changes in me all directing me to do the work of a humanitarian philanthropist CEO, very much on a global scale. In fact I’m now looking forward to it. (3)
In tangible terms, I feel more confident. I have fewer Achilles heels than I did some time ago.
Still working on them though. I know I have more.
I’ve watched and felt the circle of fear inside me, when thinking of addressing a global audience, sink ever lower in my body, releasing the parts of me above it. It’s now down to the solar plexus level, which means my heart is freed from it. (4)
I’m simply going through a restoration of the status quo ante, the status quo before I became afraid, in whatever lifetime that was.
Now, up comes Beckow’s Second Theorem, a new one: Becoming a leader requires a letting go of fear. (5)
The popcorn is popping. Who is it that’s sending this information?
As the fear subsides, I’m willing to be a clarion call. Michael had observed:
Archangel Michael: You are reticent to be the clarion call.
Steve: Yes, that’s true.
AAM: Let it go. (6)
Since experiencing love involves a letting go of fear, as Gerald Jampolsky told us years ago, (7) I’m also empowered to lead from love – almost channeled into it.
The penny has dropped on being a leader. I’m now reconciled to accepting that role if required. Not jumping for joy. I’d rather be in a forest retreat, writing. But the thought of being the former doesn’t faze me any more.
Again it was fear of opposition and ridicule and the love of solitude that held me back when everything else I know about myself tells me I won’t escape leading.
I’m reminded of something the Arcturians said about leadership and Achilles’ heels or fatal flaws:
The Arcturians: If you are at all attached to being a good person, that’s going to be an Achilles Heel for you. And if you just think that you’re just one of the guys, that’s an Achilles Heel. Because they don’t want you to be one of the guys. They want you to see that you are the leader.
Be yourself. Be who you are. …
The thing that you must own is that you are the [group] leader. (8)
I think my surrender awaited seeing that being a leader does not mean (A) you always lead (you may lead by following, but you’re still leading) or (B) that you lead and people must follow you (you’re simply offering one alternative; they’re free to choose). And not that you must lead every minute of the day. Others need to have a chance. And you may need to give it a rest as well.
And you may never lead. You’re simply ready, willing, and able to play that role.
A leader needs to recognize and encourage leadership. Nothing in our culture would survive without the ideas associated with it being transmitted from one generation to the next.
Once I enter the domain called “I’m willing to lead,” the ideas start flowing.
I know my leadership is in writing. Whether or not I’m a CEO or work with the galactics, I remain a writer. Michael has asked:
Archangel Michael: On the list of things to do, let [writing] always be the last thing that falls off. (9)
Steve: My leadership is in writing.
Archangel Michael: Correct…. And in pointing the way. (10)
For me leadership means that we’re willing to assume the role, but it also involves staying aware of the needs and desires of those we presume or offer to lead.
It doesn’t mean our will prevails. It means that we pledge to see that the will of the majority prevails except where the human rights of the minority need protection. And yes we translate that will of the majority (with checks) into action programs.
I got it. I’ve been blocked since forever by all the fears that precede agreeing with oneself to lead. I’m no longer blocked. I’ve accepted the role, not as a job, because no job is under consideration, not even as a profession, but as a statement of willingness to accept ever-increasing levels of responsibility.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 30, 2011. [Hereafter AAM.]
(2) The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Suzanne Lie, March 16, 2013.
(3) Michael once said:
“One of the benefits of what you think of as ‘delays’ is that you have been getting used to being an incredibly wealthy person. …
“So it has given several of the key players the chance to do the adjustment. It is important that this is you getting used to your spiritual currency [love].” (AAM, Dec. 11, 2013.)
I agree.
(4) An increase in bodily tension results in a decrease in awareness; a decrease in bodily tension results in an increase in awareness. (Beckow’s First Theorem.)
(5) Beckow’s First Theorem: An increase in bodily tension results in a decrease in awareness; a decrease in bodily tension results in an increase in awareness. Therefore, as fear-based tension subsides, awareness should increase.
(6) AAM, Jan. 20, 2016.
(7) Gerald G. Jampolsky, Love Is Letting Go of Fear. Celestial Arts, 1979.
(8) The Arcturians in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Suzanne Lie, March 16, 2013.
(9) AAM, Feb. 7, 2013.
(10) AAM, Aug. 2, 2019.