Thanks to Len. In this short video, Shelia Hill, an Intuitive, talks about what many are feeling at this time. You might feel a bit of relief knowing you are experiencing the same things.
Archangel Michael through Ronna Vezane: The Process You are Actually Going Through Right Now
I was answering a reader’s question on the photon belt when I came across this remarkable passage from Archangel Michael through Ronna. It seemed, as I read it, as if someone had written my biography, it so resonated with me. Is this really what’s going on? I’ve added footnotes to show why it would […]
Archangel Michael on Why All This Conflict is Occurring
Here is Michael describing the cycle of conflict at a social level. He asks us to shine our light into the darkest corners, saying that everything discordant must be surfaced. “Archangel Michael: Victory is at Hand!” channeled by Linda Dillon, May 10, 2019, at It is fully understood how this mental and emotional and […]
An Evolutionary Shift
by Danna Beal Plans to create a new world through an evolutionary, planetary shift have been developing for thousands of years. The steps have included the emergence of a faction of people who would spiritually evolve and expose the underlying character of those who would attempt to control the entire world for their own […]
Handling the Intense 5D Energies Now Streaming In
by Vidya Frazier If you are noticing a greater intensity in the energies flowing through you lately, you’re perhaps aware that your Ascension process is ramping up in frequency. It may feel as if you’ve shifted up a gear. Or like you’re suddenly finding yourself on a new moving sidewalk that is hurtling you […]
No Issues, Judgments, or Resentments
This is about setting ourselves free, is it not? If we want to set our world free from the deep state and every other external obstacle to Nova Earth, then I think we have to set ourselves free first. As within, so without. Set ourselves free from what? From three of our own creations, I […]
As The Page Turns So Does The Focus
By Maureen Moss Beloved Hearts, As the page has turned on 2021, we find ourselves at the beginning of what may prove to be, amongst other things, the most rapid cycle of acceleration we have known thus far. The ending of the cycle of what was, was an epic purging to assist us in rebooting […]
Deb Haaland, Native American Elected to Congress, Takes Matters into Her Own Hands
Canada’s tragic residential-school reckoning could be grim harbinger for U.S. James McCarten, The Canadian Press, June 27, 2021 The situation in Canada took a dramatic turn Thursday when the Cowessess First Nation announced the discovery of what are believed to be 751 unmarked graves at the site of the former Marieval Indian Residential School […]
The Center of the Onion
May 26, 2021 How easily happiness begins by dicing onions… It’ true it can make you weep to peel them… for there’s nothing to an onion but skin, and it’s true you can go on weeping as you go on in… ~William Matthews, Onions Sometimes I worry about what would happen if I’m suddenly […]
Dreamlight to Kill Daylight
While the phrase belongs to a late-Victorian commentator, “dreamlight to kill daylight” about describes the way the media functioned in our society back in the days when it was hidden, not so heavy-handed and obvious as today. (1) At some future time, we’re going to be hearing that some people deemed central to that dreamlight […]
Our Missions and Their Requirements
I’m reflecting on our missions and what they call forth or require of us. I’m a writer. That calls forth from me a desire for cave time, private space, contemplative, meditative, reflective time. It’s introverted, by definition, inward-turned, inward drawn. It’s not extroverted. It doesn’t lead to running for public office. It doesn’t attend barbeques […]
James Gilliland: The Veils Are Coming Down Welcome to March madness. The recent equinox and the coming Super Moon along with the CMEs, “solar flares” the off-the-scale Schumann Resonance is going to make March a month to remember. This will continue through April. It is time to heal, end the victim cycle, and take our power back. The onion is being […]
No, You Are Not Going Crazy — It’s Part of Ascension and The Shift Before you read this, realize that you are okay and that what you are experiencing is “The SHIFT”. This is a normal process when the universal vibrational energy forces you to rise above your normal 3D level of existence here on Earth. It’s all okay. Ascension Symptoms 1. Feeling as though you are in […]
Distractions, Portalways and Cords
By Nancy Wallace Ward (aka Leila) Why do I feel tired at the thought of writing about this? Guidance has seemed far away lately. Speaking to my Arcturian soul family… Energies heavy. Too many open doorways. Seal them, close the windows. Windows into other people’s realities. Through your creative expression you come back to yourself. Be […]
James Gilliland: Personal Power We have spoken about our solar system moving into a highly energized area of space. We have also spoken about how the higher dimensional beings, saints, sages and masters use these events to further the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth. We are in the apex of those times, the veils between worlds […]