One of the things about collective awakening is that someone says publicly what we’re all thinking and are afraid to say (or encounter) and it crystalizes things or pushes the envelope. Candace Owens on Telegram said something that was just such a lightbulb moment for me. She used the phrase “institutional evil” and those two […]
Weapons will Not Work
I’d like to draw attention to something Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message said on April 12, 2024: “Matters around the world are progressively getting worse but before they can engulf the whole world, higher forces than those on Earth will intervene and disable all weapons of war never again to be used to destroy maim […]
How Do We Handle Depravity? – Part 3/3
(Concluded from Part 2, yesterday.) Weathering the Storm Meanwhile, we have to weather the storm before discussing how to live at the experiential level. We’ve got to get through the emergency first. To do that, we need to release, express, give voice to our feelings. Scream into a pillow, write stream-of-consciousness, share with a […]
Archangel Michael on Why All This Conflict is Occurring
Here is Michael describing the cycle of conflict at a social level. He asks us to shine our light into the darkest corners, saying that everything discordant must be surfaced. “Archangel Michael: Victory is at Hand!” channeled by Linda Dillon, May 10, 2019, at It is fully understood how this mental and emotional and […]
Behavior, Not People
I prefer to reserve the word “evil” for behavior, not people. For me it more reflects reality to speak of thoughts and behavior as evil than people, who are many things and who’ll evolve out of evil over time. I’ve seen evil behavior and the fruits of it. Eight years of listening to refugee […]
It’s All of a Piece; or, Leaving the Truman Show
I may be stating the obvious, but every day it becomes clearer that all that is happening that is socially-destructive is not accidental or climate-related, but happening at the instigation of the deep state. All that makes it unclear is that we don’t see how the deep state switches from one issue to the other, […]
Nothing Subtle about the WEF
I was watching The Great Awakening yesterday (1) and nearly fell out of my chair when I heard these remarks from Yuval Noah Harari, a World Economic Forum “advisor”: “Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some god above the clouds. But our intelligent design. […]
Raising to Awareness: The Awareness Path
I was writing about impartiality in reporting, inspired by Jonathan Turley, (1) and I noticed something that I must raise to awareness. It’s about awareness itself. “Raise to awareness….” In my impressionable years, just starting out, we had what we called the path of awareness in the Growth Movement. We raised matters to awareness truthfully […]
Neil Ferguson’s Plans for a Permanent Lockdown of the UK
Zap has released the following memo from UK Coronavirus adviser Neil Ferguson. I have no idea of its authenticity so use your discernment (ask your heart). However if it has truth to it, it should be broadly and immediately circulated. When events and timing are critical, there’s no time to do research. Its authenticity, for […]
News in Brief, June 28
The news stories and videos are coming out faster and in more numbers than allow for individual posting. So wherever possible we’re going to combine them. Thanks to Suzy, Kathleen, and Len for their research. Accountability Magenta Pixie Asks the White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine About the Matt Hancock affair and when restrictions will […]
Coming to Grips with Evil
Download The Dark: Who They Are and What They Want here: We’re soon going to be seeing the word “evil” being used. To get ready for it, could we look at what the word might refer to? I’m going to give you my own personal interpretation, without going to a dictionary. “Evil” for […]