(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) I had such a classic example of old programming going off this morning, exactly as I was working on this article. I have to relate it here. A friend phoned earlyish in the morning and asked me a favor which was at the limits of inconvenience. I said “no,” but […]
Coming to Grips with Evil
Download The Dark: Who They Are and What They Want here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Who-are-the-Dark.pages.pdf We’re soon going to be seeing the word “evil” being used. To get ready for it, could we look at what the word might refer to? I’m going to give you my own personal interpretation, without going to a dictionary. “Evil” for […]
Now Arrogance Surfacing
I’m watching myself and have to share some noticeings. Sharing them is the final step in processing. I can be as self-serving as I like when I’m processing internally. But when I share, it isn’t as easy. The share is out there. It’s public. So I want to call myself on something. I need a […]
How Do I Change Myself?
There’s so much I want to say about the process I’ve just been through so things are not missed. The ideas are tumbling out. What I did was I processed a root vasana or core issue. Processing a vasana is the (wholesome) alternative to blaming and shouting at another person. Long ago I swore I […]
Can You Imagine?
Mónica Esgueva: “We need to acknowledge our pain, our wounds and our darkness, both individually and collectively. We need to embrace all aspects without judgment in order to transcend them.” (1) You know I don’t believe that death is the end. You know why – I don’t need to cover the ground again, I’m sure […]
Hardened Hatred
What could have happened after the Second World War to change nations fighting for democracy into nations wanting to cull their populations down to 500 million slave souls? What could have happened that wealth would be concentrated in a small percent at the top of a hierarchical pyramid while the majority of folks live from […]