I’ve come back from family violence severe enough to cause me to be dissociated for fifty years, during all of which I observed. And observed. And observed. As a result of it all, I feel qualified to comment on some of our ways of handling matters. In Mein Kampf, Hitler said to capture leadership of […]
Your Cycle is Yours; Mine is Mine; and Mine is Closed for Business
I continue to work with the cycle of conflict because I’ll soon be a CEO and won’t have time to work on it then. I’m working in wide brushstrokes too because I don’t think it could possibly be too much longer before the emergency broadcasts. I don’t feel I have time for detailed research […]
I Reap the Harvest
I’m more and more realizing the idiocy of claiming to be an “expert.” I’m left musing after reading Marilyn’s thought-provoking history of the Council of Nicea. The only historical connection I have – even to the Christian Church broadly at that time, save a lifelong fascination with the desert fathers – is with St. Nonnus […]
Repertoire Obsolete
For whatever reason I now experience there being space between something happening and my response. I’m no longer automatically reacting. I seem to have more room in myself, less craziness. That could be because I’m more at peace and so not as much driven by vasanas (core issues) and the automatic response patterns they give […]
Need No More Convincing
When I was dissociated, from age 7 to 58, I was … how can I describe it? … hardly a person. Or maybe barely a person is more accurate. I barely held it together. I barely passed. I’d metaphorically catch my breath, panting, after a social engagement because I was so self-conscious and working so […]
Now I Really Feel Free
I’m watching charges and counter-charges fly on the political scene, threats and counter-threats. The biggest is: The President threatens to pack the Supreme Court. The Court responds by taking on a case that could unseat the President and Congress. All is up in the air. As a student of awareness, I’m watching the impact on […]
Transmitting Love? Purely Selfish
I’m aware that part of me feels lethargic, drained. But I also see that I’m no longer following that part of me. In the past, that part of me would have complained and I’d have gotten behind the complaint. That was my role in life: The complainer, the stick in the mud, the one who […]
A Nexus of Hatred and Guilt Releases
I am at the moment processing a really persistent and deeply-rooted vasana (or core issue), which I’ve never even noticed till now because of its construction. (2) It’s a two-handed conversation, rather than a simple single voice. I’m going to call it a “nexus.” (3) One side of the conversation is hatred of the father. […]
Introduction to the Constructed Self (Download)
Here comes a detailed look at the constructed self that we fashion to present and manage our image, to look good and sound right. The invitation is to come out from behind the image and be who we really are. Download On the Constructed Self here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/On-the-Constructed-Self-5.pdf Introduction to the Constructed Self What is the […]
General Cleanup in the World … and Me
I think the energies are forcing every last vasana (or core issue) up in us. Here’s one that’s up for me. I have an inordinate need for quiet right now and I’m sure it’s a problem for people around me. Anything carried to an extreme stands a good chance of being a vasana. So let […]
Acuity of Awareness Increasing
I just came across this passage from a 2012 reading, two days after writing this article, which rang such a bell for me in light of what’s discussed here: “Another measure, my beloved ones, is to do with your mental acuity, including interest in things of the mental body – and, dear Steve, you have […]
Huge Commitment to the Work
Seeing the script I have playing – and the discoveries that it’s leading to – is like an earthquake in my life. (1) And it’s led to numerous aftershocks. It’s opened the door for me to complete the cycle of domestic abuse that occurred in our household. It’s led me to see the identity I […]
From Vasanas to Scripts
I recently had a breakthrough in my cleansing process. Up till now I’d been processing singular vasanas (or core issues) as they erupted. (1) A few days back, something different presented itself. I felt awful and there was no reason that I could see why I might feel that way. So I began to observe. […]
How the Process of Growth Work Goes
As the chaos swirls outside, the chaos swirls inside as well. In this article I process a residual feeling state. Doing this, I hope, allows me to do a better job in post-Reval roles. And of course every one I can dissolve frees me and elevates my space, which is a contribution to Ascension. It’s […]
Not Out of the Woods
I’ve been walking around triggering myself for a while now. And if I walk the trigger back, I find that I’m disappointed in myself (Mother). I’m disappointed because I reacted to some forgotten thought with irritation, anger, aggressiveness, or some negative attitude (Father). I have my Father and Mother endlessly arguing in my head. The […]
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