Steve: This is a keeper. It says about everything I can think of saying (if I had their higher consciousness) in one go, beautifully put. In my view, it’s time now not just to read a message like this, but to really “get” it, down to our bones. May our listening match the quality of […]
A World of Undreamed of Dimensions
I find myself chuckling when I read stories about who was the first to “discover” this invention or that. Or when I see the bow and arrow arise on several continents that are not in touch with each other. In the social sciences, this is referred to as the problem of “geographical diffusion.” Is there […]
Being the Pilot, not the Passenger
Over the Xmas holidays I watched Groundhog Day with a friend and was greatly impacted. It made a point about core issues or vasanas that I can’t help calling attention to. “Vasanas” is a Vedantic term for the reaction patterns we’ve formed based on earlier, similar, traumatic incidents. (1) The premise of the story, […]
A Seventy-Year Journey Back to Normalcy
One emerges over time from dissociation. It happens as one makes one realization after another, like a search beam, going in this direction, then in that, scanning for something that would shed light on why I feel so hesitant, retiring, unsure of myself. You know the story: Dad yelled at me, aged seven, from […]
Old Money Changing the World & How I Can’t Post This on Facebook In Canada Now
The original, of which this is an excerpt, is long but worthwhile. Facebook’s refusal to post this article is discussed below. What Should You Do With an Oil Fortune? By Andrew Marantz, The New Yorker, August 7th, 2023 The Hunt family owns one of the largest private oil companies in the country. Leah Hunt-Hendrix […]
What are Some Obsolete Belief Systems?
The Arcturian Group: “Many long accepted beliefs are changing or even disappearing through the presence of the increasingly intense high frequency energy now pouring to earth. These energies are exposing the underlying error of much that has long been accepted as truth and reality. “Those who have lived lives dependent upon one particular belief system […]
How a Vision Unfolds and a Theory Falls
It’s Christmas Day, but inspiration, like history, waits for no one. I want to illustrate how a vision or other form of inspiration can unfold. And in the process we’ll also watch a couple of theories fall by the wayside. Long-time readers will know about the vision I had in 1987. (See graphic and fn […]
Introduction to the Constructed Self (Download)
Here comes a detailed look at the constructed self that we fashion to present and manage our image, to look good and sound right. The invitation is to come out from behind the image and be who we really are. Download On the Constructed Self here: Introduction to the Constructed Self What is the […]
Upon Watching a Significant Piece of Your Research Sink Below the Waves
Just a brief note on a paragraph from a current op/ed journal: “The Russians have put their nuclear weapons on high-alert. This is a really significant development.. They are … sending us a very powerful signal as to how seriously they take this crisis. “So, if we start winning, and the Russians start losing, you […]
What Lies on the Other Side of Self-Servingness?
I use my awareness to uncover the truth. Uncovering the truth in turn elevates my awareness. I’ve worked my way through ever subtler layers of egoic personality. My awareness now falls on individual words I’m using, which, I’m finding, are subtly self-serving. I go through life living events, but then constructing a self-serving story or […]
Life on the Frontiers of Knowledge: There will be Time – Part 1
Readers of (credible) channeled material are operating on the frontiers of knowledge. SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) may listen for beeps and clicks. But you and I can read Matthew Ward, Ashtar, Ashira, etc. as well as Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother. Do you want to know if there is extraterrestrial life? The […]
Life on the Frontiers of Knowledge: There will be Time – Part 2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) It’s been fifty years since I told my thesis adviser I was staying with enlightenment and pushed off from the dock of empirical materialism. Like the film, The Strawberry Statement, and others of the era, I left the dominant paradigm and stepped out into the real unknown. I’ve never regretted […]
How Does the Company of Heaven See Our Role? – Part 1/2
Let’s turn now to look at what the Company of Heaven is calling upon lightworkers to do. What do they expect of us? Want from us? They actually offer a range of opinion which we, looking for our mission, could consider a range of options. The Arcturian Group on one occasion applauded us for plowing […]
Standing Contemporary Theories on Their Head – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, yesterday.) No, says Michael. We can become angels if we wish but we don’t have to, to return to the One. We discuss the matter here: Steve Beckow: Is it true to think that there is an evolutionary spiral and humans become angels in the normal course of affairs? … Archangel […]
Standing Contemporary Theories on Their Head – Part 1/2
I’ve said before that some of what Archangel Michael and the Divine Mother have told me stands contemporary enlightenment theories on their heads. Here’s one example. Our return to the One is thought to involve a loss of identity. We cease to be and there is then only the One. That’s the theory. St. Paul […]
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