It’s Christmas Day, but inspiration, like history, waits for no one.
I want to illustrate how a vision or other form of inspiration can unfold. And in the process we’ll also watch a couple of theories fall by the wayside.
Long-time readers will know about the vision I had in 1987. (See graphic and fn 1.) You’ll also recall that that vision has kept unfolding for me since then.
For instance, Michael and the Mother showed me that, after returning to God the Father, we go back out again a brilliant light. (2) That added a new chapter onto the vision. The latter only showed me the path of a soul up to mergence.
Returning home implies union with the Mother/Father One. But nowhere have I read anyone saying that we re-emerge again. More on that in a minute.
Today the sense of the vision unfolded further. I “got,” in a flash of comprehension, that it was describing our journey in this lifetime.
The seven-year-old in me says: “It’s my vision. It describes my journey.” Well, I’m one of “us.” So it does describe my journey as well as yours.
Michael and the Mother have talked often about the Thirteenth Octave and how a return to it – for purification and reward, I imagine – is a return to Mother/Father God but it’s also a part of our Ascension. A fresh start in a new region of space with us purified by reunion with Mother/Father God, if we ask for it.
Here’s Michael for instance. Reading this passage has a new and broader significance for me now than it did in 2012:
Archangel Michael: You have been given the gift, yes, I will say, of divine union, of the ability to connect within the heart of One. You are being given gifts and methodologies and ways — and yes … the Thirteenth Octave is the process of divine union.
And part of that union is the re-awakening of what you call the divine qualities, of the blessings and virtues of love. And it is the way in which the realms beyond the old illusion of the Third Dimension operate.
So, there cannot be behaviors or experiences that you think of as blame or shame or guilt or fault. None of this exists, because as you enter into the place of love, as you unite with All in love, then everything else disappears. (3)
Ever since the heart opening in 2015, I’ve been drawn more and more to the divine qualities so I can vouch for that part of what he’s saying here.
Meanwhile, the inner tsunami of love erases all hopes and fears. There seems to be nothing more to experience, possess or desire than this higher, indescribable form of love. “All in love, then everything else disappears.”
Why us? Why now? Well, as I alluded to earlier, we angelics are helping to open up an entirely new region of space, into which the rest of the universe(s) will follow us. The Mother calls this “a new start, a fresh start” and says that she makes available to us reunion in the Thirteenth Octave.
She explains:
Divine Mother: Sweet angels of light, when I tell you – not suggest – but tell you that you are in a new start, a fresh start, a new realm of existence, yes anchored in the Thirteenth Octave. I do not shy away from saying this loud and clear…it is the gift that I have brought to you, that I have blessed you with, and invited you to participate in.
And many of you have said ‘yes’, and many of you have said ‘no’… No, not you whom I address this day. I am talking of the collective. Many of them say, “I haven’t the foggiest notion what the Thirteenth Octave is.” And we make it very simple…it is the state of being in Divine Union; it is the state of being anchored in the fullness of Divine love; it is the state of being, the love, in your sacred self, in body, in form, in creation. (4)
“It is the state of being in Divine Union.” There it is in black and white. The Mother makes this available to us as part and parcel of “a new start, a fresh start” in a new area of space.
She goes on to tell us how divine union will happen:
Divine Mother: You have tended to look at ascension in an old paradigm way…you have been looking for the big bang! And for some the heart expansion and opening is like the big bang.
It certainly was for me.
But for those of you who have been seeking, who have been diligent, who have practiced fortitude and surrender and engagement, it is not a momentary shift. It is an expansion that you may consider never ending.
And let me explain this…as you hold greater and greater quotients of light, quotients of love, you ascend into various forms until, of course, one day, in my infinite ocean of now, you come and you rejoin with the Father and I, in the unity of One, in the unity of All. And that is also a form of ascension.
But I tend to think that for the time being you are more interested, my beloveds, in the ascension of you, of the new you, of the old you, of the inspired you, of the angelic you, of the hybrid you, of the star being you…and so are we. (5)
Uhhhh, wait a minute, Mother. I’m interested in the Thirteenth Octave. Over here!
On other occasions, Michael and the Mother have said that beings beyond the Twelfth Dimension “return home.” What they mean by home is the Thirteenth Octave.
If beings go from the Twelfth Dimension to “Home,” this is a major challenge to enlightenment orthodoxy, which says that we evolve through one kingdom after another before returning Home.
Here Michael dismisses that theory. The conversation with him was so delightful, let me quote it in some detail:
Archangel Michael: Yes, [those past the Twelfth Dimension] come into sheer energy and return home. …
Steve: So there is no going into angels, going into archangels, going into this realm… There’s none of that. They go from the Twelfth Dimension home?
AAM: Yes.
Steve: That just turns our contemporary thinking on its head!
AAM: Oh, you haven’t heard anything yet! We will talk about the evolutionary ladders (as you tend to think of it) and the various choices that are available in terms of that evolutionary ladder.
Steve: Oh please! We’ve got it all wrong down here! Help! Help! Message in a bottle!
AAM: I will send it parcel post and express mail! (6)
He may send it express mail, but that doesn’t mean I’ll “get” it! Six years later perhaps, in dawning awareness. I’m just beginning to get the meaning and significance of what was said back then.
What Michael and the Mother say knocks my own theories of ascent into the wastebasket. And it calls into jeopardy my theories that “returning Home” is the end of all our individuated existences. Apparently it’s not as rigid and stringent as that.
My wastebasket, my Trash, is getting full. I’d better delete, delete … and grin a lot as I skate fast over thin ice. But exploring in the New Age will be like that. Our discoveries will have a very short shelf life.
This illustrates how our prevailing theories will be revealed, to use Michael’s favorite word, as “incomplete” (7) and how we’ll have to drop them right and left to make room for higher truths.
It also illustrates how a spiritual experience, like a vision, can unfold and unfold.
(1) For the vision, see “The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment – Ch. 13 – Epilogue,” August 13, 2011, at
(2) Archangel Michael: And when you go home, … you can reunite in the heart of One. Do not think that you go off on another tangent or another journey simply because you feel like it or because you are earning your way back [on] that linear path. You go back out into the universe as a brilliant spark of pure light! (Archangel Michael in An Hour with an Angel, March 26, 2012, at
(3) “AA Michael: Look within and without and see the Shift in consciousness taking place,” July 11 2012, at
(4) “Transcript & Videos ~ Universal Mother Mary – Ascension: You’re Already There,”
(5) Loc. cit.
(6) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016.
(7) I know