While arrests are being made around the globe, underworlds of pedophilia, drug trafficking, adrenochrome, etc., are being closed down, and whole countries are being cleansed of criminal capture, we wait. And the task at hand is to keep morale high. When an army loses the will to win, it disintegrates. When it has the will […]
How Does the Company of Heaven See Our Role? – Part 1/2
Let’s turn now to look at what the Company of Heaven is calling upon lightworkers to do. What do they expect of us? Want from us? They actually offer a range of opinion which we, looking for our mission, could consider a range of options. The Arcturian Group on one occasion applauded us for plowing […]
Why Cover World Affairs?
When I wrote recently that rumors were flying fast and thick, I asked myself , by way of reminder, what my major criterion for coverage of world affairs was. Not very long after, Mike Quinsey made this very relevant comment. “It is the normal outcome to ensure that people become aware of what has been […]
Everything I Want is Inward; or, Rich in the Only Way that Matters
All I’ve ever wanted – with some notable exceptions – has been inward. And when I experience higher states like bliss and ecstasy, to be found inward, every need is satisfied. The return on investment says to me that this has been a wise investment. I think I’ll invest more of my spiritual currency in […]
We’re all of Us Neighbors on the Internet – Part 2/3
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) While saying that I consider the Internet the engine of creation, assimilation, and growth, I also want to add that I don’t think we’re anywhere near using it to its full potential to effect social renaissance and – what that feeds into – Ascension. I encourage us lightworkers and truthers […]
We’re all of Us Neighbors on the Internet – Part 1/3
I was just rapping with a good friend in the Virgin islands on Skype the other day, when I mentioned introducing him to another good friend, just across the way in Vancouver. Suddenly I got it. It really doesn’t matter where we live any more when we’re on the Internet. My Canadian niece was designing […]
Wisdom Of The Hopi – Messages from the Ancients
The Hopi people have inherited the wisdom of the Earth since ancient times. Hopi means “people of peace”. From the words of Hopi elder Vernon Masayesva, we will consider the current crisis of the Earth and the future of the Earth.
We Can Choose to Be Audacious…. – Part 1/2
Because I think we’re close to events we’ve been expecting, I’d like to repost an article from 2013, which I think is about to become a lot more relevant very quickly. The only dimension that’s not very prominent here is the financial. Back then, Kathleen and I were already involved with the arrangements for Pre-NESARA […]
We Can Choose to Be Audacious…. – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) It will require courage, audacity, and heart. Yes, it does require that and it requires it from us every day, day by day. I remember having a shining transformational experience in a Communication Workshop and coming home glowing like a light bulb, only to have my then-girlfriend shout at me: […]
Time for a Spring Thaw
As the Reval and G/NESARA loom, my thoughts go to afterwards. I know I’m going to be insanely busy. Never mind the outside world going insane. Right now I answer “Contact Us” emails pretty well the same day (or an email has been misplaced). After the Reval, that luxury will be gone forever. No question […]
Global Sisterhood: Food for Thought – Rethinking Hierarchical Structures
From Global Sisterhood’s latest newsletter: Dear Kathleen, Let’s take a bird’s eye view of our world, shall we?⠀ When looking at western culture from a higher perspective, It’s clear to see that we are on the verge of an old system dying, and a new system that is in the process of being reborn. We […]
New Children are the Rebels, Teachers, Healers in Our Evolution
By Alex Marcoux https://tinyurl.com/eottufb8 Whether you call them New Children, Indigo Children, Crystal Children, Rainbow Children, or Diamond Children, these Starseeds or Star People are playing a roll in humanity’s spiritual evolution. Revolution precedes every Evolution We are living in a time of spiritual evolution. Every evolution is preceded with revolution. That uprising has been occurring through natural disasters, wars, disease, food crisis, […]
Mikos of Inner Earth: Earth Is the Showcase of the Milky Way Galaxy
by Diane Robbins https://tinyurl.com/y4m9n85t I am Mikos, speaking to you from the Library of Porthologos, where I am the Head Librarian. I reach out to you today, in harmony and goodwill toward all surface dwellers on Earth. We extend our friendship to you with open arms, to receive you into our lives, into our homes, […]
How Do We Describe Nova Culture?
As I approach the study of our culture as a planet, I begin to think about the subject in ways I’m familiar with – cultural universals, alternatives, specialties, and idiosyncracies; folk culture, popular culture – and right away, I find myself asking myself, is this what’s meant by Nova Culture? Doesn’t this approach to culture […]
If You Get the Idea and Pass It Along, You’re Creating Culture
I’d like to talk more about culture because what we share in common is that we lightworkers are building Nova Earth and that means building Nova Culture. What is culture. The other day I said it was ideas, not behavior or artifacts. Can I illustrate culture creation and transmission? Let’s see….. Let’s say you come […]