(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.)
While saying that I consider the Internet the engine of creation, assimilation, and growth, I also want to add that I don’t think we’re anywhere near using it to its full potential to effect social renaissance and – what that feeds into – Ascension.
I encourage us lightworkers and truthers to master the Internet. Never mind leaving it to the big tech companies and mainstream media any more. Most of them seem to have let go of their integrity.
For one thing, we haven’t developed the latent tools or the habit of having our alliances register community-wide votes. If we have, I’m not aware of it. (1)
I foresee a day when the world will be able to cast its vote on the Internet on any issue of importance, protected by quantum and blockchain technology. Or any group in the world, such as electricians or Olympic swimmers.
Whether persuasive polls or determinative votes, we need to develop our ability to express ourselves collectively and be heard, rather than relying on a press which has shown itself not to be free or reliable.
We ourselves need to lead the way in reforming and reshaping our communications tools and networks.
Another example: We need to smooth out all aspects of the use of videos on the Internet. WordPress has an upper limit on how big a video can be mounted (it was 200 Mb last time I looked). Sites like WordPress need to be made upload-friendly.
Youtube is unreliable, but one of the few sites one can download a video from. The other sites need to be made download-friendly.
Our video comments sections need to feature time markers – when each topic was addressed – to save the time of people wanting to refresh themselves on something said or done.
Wherever possible, transcripts should also be provided (Dragon Speak works for PCs; nothing I’m aware of for Macs).
There’s so much we could be doing with our Internet presence. And there are many people today with the skills to do it.
I’d like to end with two short discussions of this question from the Divine Mother, followed tomorrow by two short discussions from Archangel Michael.
“Divine Mother and Archangel Michael: How the New Society and Ascension will be Achieved,” November 17, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/17/how-the-new-society-and-ascension-will-be-achieved/.
Steve: Is it your plan both to teach us unitive consciousness and to reconstruct society by first having us reunite with parts of ourselves, and then unite in sacred union, then in sacred circles, and then in projects and so on? Are these the building blocks of the new society?
Divine Mother: Yes. And that is what we have channeled, that is what we have written, that is what I teach, that is what I say. Yes!
How do you love the unknown stranger across the planet if you have not known any form of union with yourself and with your beloved?
For some — and I do mean a few — the beloved may be a friend or a child or a parent, but for most of you — and you are seeing this explosion — it is a divine partner. It is your sacred other that you choose and that you finally are seeing and recognizing, because you are seeing and recognizing and accepting and cherishing yourself. …
So yes. It begins small and it continues to expand out. It is really a very simple plan. My plan is for the entire group of humanity to fall in love. And I do not mean in the old way, I mean in the cherishing, the freedom, the liberation, the co-creation. And it begins two by two. … This drawing together of people is how Nova Earth will be built and Ascension occur.
“The Divine Mother: You Are Experiencing Love in Ways that You Have Not Known Before,” channeled by Linda Dillon, November 14, 2013, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/11/the-divine-mother-you-are-experiencing-love-in-ways-that-you-have-not-known-before/.
Divine Mother: You are recognizing the pattern of genuine relationship, and what that looks and feels like in this gift not only of heart consciousness and inter-dimensionality, but physicality as well. As you rise, you are more able to clearly grasp not only the idea or the concept, the construct of creation in its fullest sense, but you are able to join with us.
Is this part of the plan? Dear hearts, it is the plan. There are many details, many aspects, many attunements, but the plan has always been one of union and reunion. And you have known this in your basic understanding of your spiritual journey, your spiritual journey back to us, back to One, back to Source, however you have defined it.
(Concluded in Part 3, tomorrow.)
(1) Many discussion groups have the ability to poll but how many use it? (I’m projecting.)