One could see the process of uncovering or revealing the Self as akin to moulting. The crab doesn’t find itself. It moults a confining shell. If we go off in search of the Self, we’re busying the very one we want to “find.” “I’m searching for the Self.” “Go away. I’m busy.” “What are you […]
World Under Seige – Part 1/2
The situation we face at the moment is not new to the human race. The only thing new about it is that the whole world now is connected and so the whole world faces it. The world is under siege right now from Team Dark. The great virus-and-vaccine swindle is their all-or-nothing plan to depopulate […]
World Under Seige – Part 2/2
(Concluded from Part 1, above.) At the same time, we know as well that this is a time of separating timelines and the Company of Heaven is using any means available to welcome home those who’ve declined Ascension. Michael tells us: Archangel Michael: There will be those who choose to leave, to abandon their physical […]
Why Cover World Affairs?
When I wrote recently that rumors were flying fast and thick, I asked myself , by way of reminder, what my major criterion for coverage of world affairs was. Not very long after, Mike Quinsey made this very relevant comment. “It is the normal outcome to ensure that people become aware of what has been […]
We Are Sovereign Creators
by Maria Chambers A coffee buddy initiated a discussion that goes like this: what would happen if all laws were suspended for one day? He contends that all hell would be anarchy, that people who were otherwise law-abiding citizens, would rob, rape and murder. And my perspective was that there may be more robberies, rapes and murders, […]
Time for a Spring Thaw
As the Reval and G/NESARA loom, my thoughts go to afterwards. I know I’m going to be insanely busy. Never mind the outside world going insane. Right now I answer “Contact Us” emails pretty well the same day (or an email has been misplaced). After the Reval, that luxury will be gone forever. No question […]
What We’ve Always been Seeking and Never Acknowledged
I’m wrestling with problems of global discourse. Why? I believe I’m being guided in that direction. It arose because I was contemplating evil – pedophilia, adrenochrome, child sacrifice…. Nice things to be thinking about at 5 am. To make a long story short, I came to see at a deeper and deeper level that I […]
Massive Let-Go
Whatever my thoughts may be, whatever my desires, there’s a definite draw towards the inner, introspection, stillness and silence. I’m interpreting this as guidance. But even if it weren’t guidance, the drive to go inwards feels irresistible. And it isn’t in search of anything. It’s a massive let-go. Divesting myself of things and attachments has […]
The Recovery Phase = Building Nova Earth
In a reading I had with him on May 13, 2020, Archangel Michael asked me to turn my attention back again to Ascension matters. Here are my marching orders: “As I have said many times you’re not to engage in politics, sweet one. … “Again, sweet one, you’re becoming engaged in political intrigue which is […]
The Big Change – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) The point I wanted to make however is: what do we do in the face of this constant change to maintain our equilibrium, our balance? Things are going faster than I can keep up with. What do we do? I can only say what I do, which I’ve been doing […]
The Big Change – Part 1
I’ve rewritten this article to drop the debt relief components of the earlier Six Point Plan. These will be addressed apparently by G/NESARA. It now becomes a Four Point Plan. If we were to see the ending of the careers of corrupt politicians, of big business’s control over the finances of the world, of the […]
Let’s have a System Reboot and Start Anew. Together
Is a person channeling when they’ve never had the thought before it comes out of their mouth and only know it after it’s been spoken? In other words, they are listeners too? I think it is. I once asked Archangel Michael who the motley crew were who were speaking through me, aside from himself. He […]
A California-Based Program Provides Newly-Released Long-Term Prisoners with a Chance at a New Life
A California-Based Program Provides Newly-Released Long-Term Prisoners with a Chance at a New Life Isabella Garcia, Yes! Magazine, Feb. 6, 2020 After serving 24 years in prison, Pamela Thompson was freed with no money, no cellphone, and no awareness of how to navigate the new world she’d just been released into. Without the necessary […]
Healing a Divided Nation Begins Face to Face
Healing a Divided Nation Begins Face to Face So say the Better Angels of the partisan divide. Chris Winters, Yes Magazine, Nov. 12, 2019 Three weeks after the 2016 presidential election, a group of 21 people came together in South Lebanon, Ohio, outside Cincinnati, to talk. The group comprised 11 people who’d supported Hillary […]
A Matter That Simple
I once joked with Michael that I’d groan and moan and complain the whole way and then want all the glory afterwards. He said, yes, you do want your pound of flesh. Pound of flesh…. What kind of behavior are we discussing? Because I think it’s one of the ways of the world. Especially now, […]