I was talking earlier about giving one’s word and staying with one’s word as a stabilizing influence, like a stake in the ground. (1) I’m really talking about major issues. I’m not talking about everyday, mundane issues. I haven’t a clue about them one way or the other. But we’re soon going to be wanting […]
Any New Social Initiative, to be Lasting, must Leave No Residue
Any new social initiative, to be lasting, in my estimation, must leave no residue. If we correct the social imbalance between men and women, for example, by harming a lot of innocent men, we’ll create residue, which will need to be addressed in the next round of dissent and unrest. And in this way the […]
Congo Student: ‘I Skip Meals to Buy Online Data’
Remember I said that we keep our books, articles, and databases free – relying instead on your donations – so that a poor African child using a public-library computer could have full access to them? Behold that child. (1) (From 2019) Congo student: ‘I skip meals to buy online data’ Gaius Kowene, BBC News, Kinshasa, […]
The Reval: Bringing the Patient (Earth) Back to Life
Clearly we’re not going to be able to cover all the bases on foundational values for Nova Earth in a few articles. To fill the gap, the Golden Age of Gaia, in the person of myself and Kathleen, have drawn together articles we’ve written on the philosophy of Building Nova Earth (Suzi is working on […]
Receive and Give, Receive and Give: That is Where You are Going
In my post-Reval planning, I’m envisioning my process something like this. I’ve volunteered to be what’s called a “pipeline,” which means that folks like me help with redistributing the planet’s wealth. I’ll receive and redistribute unusual sources of wealth such as the sequestered wealth of serious human-rights abusers, prosperity packages, historical assets, etc. (1) In […]
Nathan Robinson: Time to Do Away with the Super Elite
Time to do away with “rich” and “poor.” Time to Do Away with the Super Elite Nathan Robinson, Guardian, July 18, 2020 (https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jul/18/ghislaine-maxwell-power-money-elites) Ghislaine Maxwell now sits in a jail cell, after having been denied bail on charges of sexually trafficking minors. Maxwell is alleged to have recruited underage girls for the billionaire pedophile Jeffrey […]
Why Millions of Americans are Losing Health Coverage during COVID-19 Pandemic
Point 2 of the Four Point Plan: universal medicare, independent of employment. (1) I have not, do not, and will not face a bill for hospital or other medical care. The same should be the case for the world’s population. After the Reval, I hope it will be. Why millions of Americans are losing health […]
The Big Change – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) The point I wanted to make however is: what do we do in the face of this constant change to maintain our equilibrium, our balance? Things are going faster than I can keep up with. What do we do? I can only say what I do, which I’ve been doing […]
The Big Change – Part 1
I’ve rewritten this article to drop the debt relief components of the earlier Six Point Plan. These will be addressed apparently by G/NESARA. It now becomes a Four Point Plan. If we were to see the ending of the careers of corrupt politicians, of big business’s control over the finances of the world, of the […]
Universal Medicare Now!
Folks, it isn’t my place to be saying what Americans should be doing. But, given the videos of people who haven’t even finished treatment for Covid-19 and the health-care bills are rolling in, if Americans banded together and insisted on an adequate, fully-covered universal medicare system, as a result of their experience with this pandemic, […]
What is NESARA?
Coronavirus may be forcing governments to bring in some elements of NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act. To understand what NESARA is, we repost an article all the way back from 2010. The outlines of the article are still … well, germane. The acronym NESARA stands for “National Economic Security and Reformation Act.” The […]
Lessons From MLK for a Better Post-Coronavirus Economy
Lessons From MLK for a Better Post-Coronavirus Economy Deborah Douglas, Yes! Magazine, April 8, 2020 https://tinyurl.com/r2fjo25 The civil rights icon fiercely advocated for redistributive wealth and social democracy. Fifty-two years after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was gunned down in Memphis, April 4, 1968, his radical economic agenda reverberates through a pandemic-ridden nation at a […]
Coronavirus Response, April 9 – 1
A roundup of articles on the status of the Coronavirus and ways we can help…. Why are “they” beefing up the number of people with, or who have died from, Covid-19? (1) To win acceptance for a vaccine that contains microchips (dark hats) or (2) To keep people indoors while the positive military takes […]
Let’s have a System Reboot and Start Anew. Together
Is a person channeling when they’ve never had the thought before it comes out of their mouth and only know it after it’s been spoken? In other words, they are listeners too? I think it is. I once asked Archangel Michael who the motley crew were who were speaking through me, aside from himself. He […]
The Principles of Largescale Employment Projects – Part 1/2 (Repost)
It doesn’t matter if what threatens our society is job-consuming automation or economy-crippling Coronavirus. When we go to reconstruct, we need to remember certain basic principles. I was going to reproduce just one section of a two-part article I wrote on the subject in 1995, the section on “value is a function of agreement.” I […]