Any new social initiative, to be lasting, in my estimation, must leave no residue.
If we correct the social imbalance between men and women, for example, by harming a lot of innocent men, we’ll create residue, which will need to be addressed in the next round of dissent and unrest. And in this way the conflict continues.
The way I see it, any ongoing conflict – be it between religious groups, classes, or men and women – must stop at some point. Here’s where the whole thing gets really interesting. We actually will have the resources to make conflict stop. Here’s my suggestion:
(A) Where reconciliation becomes bogged down is where people demand compensation. To date compensation has not been available. But after the Reval, the money for it will be.
(B) Therefore, have truth and reconciliation commissions assess whatever compensation has been asked for and agreed to.
(C) And include a compensation mechanism in the national-debt component of the Six Point Program.
Why am I’m optimistic about this? (A) Because Michael has asked us to dream big (1) and (B) because I know Illuminati money will be released through pipelines (2) and will need to be reintroduced into the economy. I’m already making plans for what to do with it.
At the same time as making plans, I’m also aware that the Company of Heaven itself has its own plans which I’ll align with. Commander Hatonn peeked in in a conversation I was having with Suzy Ward this past January and said:
“Steverino… … You are worrying needlessly. You won’t have to make decisions about what to do with money when it’s available. St. Germain’s plan will be revealed to the people in charge and that information will be given to you. It’s not that your ideas won’t be valuable, but they’ll be used within the parameters of the big picture.” (3)
Well, if there’s a bigger picture than what I’ve come up with so far, I’m all for it.
Michael hinted at this bigger plan as well, in a passing remark:
Archangel Michael: As a general rule we are not really in favour of structured payouts because things are changing so fast.
We are not saying that everyone is dishonest. That is not the case, but there are other plans in place. Let us put it that way.
Steve: Other plans on your part or other plans on the banks’ part?
AAM: Both. … It is desirable from your perspective and ours, that freedom reign and that means not being indentured to anyone else. (4)
Remember, Michael’s advice may not apply if you have very small holdings; in that case you may wish to take a structured payout, despite the pitfalls and disadvantages.
The Reval is only one source of wealth that will be coming on-stream. (5) So it’s only a component of Michaelangelo & Partners’ financial income.
Michael and Hatonn’s comments reassure me and allow me to sit back, knowing that we’ll have the means to end social and other forms of inequality and the conflicts they generate without creating residue.
(1) Archangel Michael: My friends, I am always telling you to dream big! So, allow those dreams to come forth, but take care of the basics as well — your health, your home, your family — and then share! It is that simple. …
Proceed bravely. That is what the role of the pathfinder is. It is the shower of the way, not the follower. (“Archangel Michael: Welcome to This Time of Re-Awakening – Part 2,” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 30, 2013, at
(2) Archangel Michael: Yes, [the Mother] uses vehicles and that is the way it is set up. That is part of the plan, for people to learn how to be generous without condition. This is the prelude. This is how your society is to work. It is the equality of sharing, of giving and receiving. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 2, 2013.)
“The unspeakable fortunes illegally amassed by the top Illuminati will be returned to circulation, and since those fortunes enabled them to control governments, banking and multinational corporations, that control will end. …
“The Illuminati money [will] be distributed wherever the need is greatest.” (Matthew’s Message, Jan. 7, 2007.)
(3) Cdr. Hatonn in Suzy Ward to Steve Beckow, Jan. 31, 2021.
(4) AAM, Aug. 12, 2016.
(5) The redistribution of Illuminati wealth will be another; the reintroduction of sequestered treasure (such as the American warships sunk off the Philippines with bonds and precious metals in them); and even off-planet gold:
Archangel Michael: Now, understand, years ago we have said to you, the channel has shared with you about how we have returned to Earth, shipload after shipload after shipload of gold and that was to anchor this Re-evaluation and St. Germaine’s blessings, basically. (AAM, July 13, 2018.)