I’m doing an exercise of invoking the Divine Mother and the Law of Elimination and sending my lower-back and knee pain back to her for repurposing, with my blessing for the work it did. What work? It showed me what it was like to be old, invalid, dependent. I knew it would be a […]
Archangel Michael: You’re Building the New Reality of Gaia (Repost)
Building Nova Earth: Towards a World that Works for Everyone has been revised and is available for downloading here: https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Building-Nova-Earth-Toward-a-World-that-Works-for-Everyone-R7.pdf. In 2013 Archangel Michael laid out for us how to begin building Nova Earth, even though we were and are financially challenged. That total conversation was wide-ranging and very helpful. In rereading it, I realized […]
Any New Social Initiative, to be Lasting, must Leave No Residue
Any new social initiative, to be lasting, in my estimation, must leave no residue. If we correct the social imbalance between men and women, for example, by harming a lot of innocent men, we’ll create residue, which will need to be addressed in the next round of dissent and unrest. And in this way the […]
Nova Earth Prisons in Norway ~ the Most Humane in the World
Michael Moore Goes to Norway and Visits Halden Prison Inside Halden Prison, the Most Humane Prison in the World Halden Prison opened early in 2010 with a capacity of 252 prisoners. The prisoner cells include flat-screen televisions, designer furniture, mini-fridges, and en suite bathrooms. Half of the guards are females, and guns are not […]
For the Love of Philosophy
I’ve become clear on what I choose my mission to be in relation to building Nova Earth. I want to create a philosophical literature that allows us to both adapt to and engender the changes associated with Ascension. Those could be changes in attitude, abilities, knowledge, technology, anything. But how to ride the wave of […]
Building Social Capital
Social scientists have the concept of “social capital.” What does it refer to? Business journalist Will Kenton defines it: “The term social capital refers to a positive product of human interaction. The positive outcome may be tangible or intangible and may include useful information, innovative ideas, and future opportunities. It can be used to describe […]
Archangel Michael: An Awakening of Equality
As I discussed in the article above, (1) despite what we may think or wish, the Company of Heaven maintains that the Reval is a matter of vibration, rather than timing. (2) That being the case, Archangel Michael says here, the groundswell of interest in a universal basic income is a good sign. It indicates […]
The Reval: Bringing the Patient (Earth) Back to Life
Clearly we’re not going to be able to cover all the bases on foundational values for Nova Earth in a few articles. To fill the gap, the Golden Age of Gaia, in the person of myself and Kathleen, have drawn together articles we’ve written on the philosophy of Building Nova Earth (Suzi is working on […]
The 9D Arcturian Council: The Energies of the Next Two to Three Years
by Daniel Scranton https://tinyurl.com/y96v2ct7 “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been taking note of the ways in which humanity has been coming together in more powerful expressions of unity, and we have also been aware of those who are seeking to remain separate. Those on […]
Cathy Buckle, Letter from Zimbabwe: 5 Slices of Bread and Willing Participants in Their Own Torture
http://cathybuckle.co.zw/5-slices-of-bread-and-willing-participants-in-their-own-torture/ Dear Family and Friends, Sixty one days into Zimbabwe’s Covid 19 lockdown, I went into the supermarket early in the morning. There was thick mist and it was cold and muggy. The infra red forehead thermometer at the door wasn’t working (because it’s cold, the lady said) but masks were on and hands were […]
Let’s have a System Reboot and Start Anew. Together
Is a person channeling when they’ve never had the thought before it comes out of their mouth and only know it after it’s been spoken? In other words, they are listeners too? I think it is. I once asked Archangel Michael who the motley crew were who were speaking through me, aside from himself. He […]
The Principles of Largescale Employment Projects – Part 1/2 (Repost)
It doesn’t matter if what threatens our society is job-consuming automation or economy-crippling Coronavirus. When we go to reconstruct, we need to remember certain basic principles. I was going to reproduce just one section of a two-part article I wrote on the subject in 1995, the section on “value is a function of agreement.” I […]
The Principles of Largescale Employment Projects – Part 2/2 (Repost)
Reposted from 1995. (Continued from Part 1.) (5) The Resolution of Dissonance Creates Paradigmatic Breakthroughs In the course of creating a largescale employment project, dissonance will arise. Disagreement may ensue. A scheme may be abandoned. But history shows numerous examples where dissonance has been the occasion, not for abandoning a scheme, but for creating a […]
Coronavirus Response, April 8 -1
A roundup of articles on the status of the Coronavirus and ways we can help…. Von der Leyen: EU plans to spend €100bn to save jobs during coronavirus crisis Daniel Boffey, The Guardian, 02 Apr 2020 https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/02/eu-plans-to-spend-100bn-on-saving-jobs-amid-coronavirus-crisis European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen holds a news conference detailing EU efforts to limit economic […]
Coronavirus Is a Historic Trigger Event. Now Is the Time for a Social Movement to Rise
Coronavirus Is a Historic Trigger Event. Now Is the Time for a Social Movement to Rise Paul Engler, Yes! Magazine, April 6, 2020 https://tinyurl.com/torolhg We can build a powerful people’s response to provide care in our communities and reshape the limits of what is politically possible. There are times in history when sudden events — […]