Building Nova Earth: Towards a World that Works for Everyone has been revised and is available for downloading here: In 2013 Archangel Michael laid out for us how to begin building Nova Earth, even though we were and are financially challenged. That total conversation was wide-ranging and very helpful. In rereading it, I realized […]
The Principles of Largescale Employment Projects – Part 1/2 (Repost)
It doesn’t matter if what threatens our society is job-consuming automation or economy-crippling Coronavirus. When we go to reconstruct, we need to remember certain basic principles. I was going to reproduce just one section of a two-part article I wrote on the subject in 1995, the section on “value is a function of agreement.” I […]
The Principles of Largescale Employment Projects – Part 2/2 (Repost)
Reposted from 1995. (Continued from Part 1.) (5) The Resolution of Dissonance Creates Paradigmatic Breakthroughs In the course of creating a largescale employment project, dissonance will arise. Disagreement may ensue. A scheme may be abandoned. But history shows numerous examples where dissonance has been the occasion, not for abandoning a scheme, but for creating a […]
Most Issues are not about Money
On May 6, 2016, Archangel Michael told me in a reading: “Most issues, beloved, are not about money; they are about self-worth, taking responsibility, sharing responsibility, leadership, sharing leadership, knowing when to lead and went to follow, and stepping up in ways that are creative. “What money is used for is so that a person, […]
By What Principles Might a Global Network of Light Stewards Operate?
If we can allow ourselves to dream out loud, how might a global network of light stewards of the Mother’s wealth operate? It could be a loose confederation of people, all alerted to common opportunities, much as crowd funding operates. The individual lightworker would then make the choice of what to support and what not. […]