I’m sure we’re all deeply relieved that President Trump survived the shooting. Granted nothing is as it seems, the bottom line is he’s alive. The rest is secondary. Did the white hats somehow “allow” the shooting (or certain aspects of it) in order to smoke out folks in the Secret Service? That agency is known […]
Five Point Plan
The tendency of a freedom-loving, democratic society is to feel the push towards forgiveness and, sometimes, to rush into it before following four other steps which I think are crucial to a lasting peace. They are: (A) Rescue (B) Removal (C) Revelation (D) Restitution Before: (E) Reconciliation (A) Rescue There are large numbers of women […]
In the Audience, Watching the Newsreel
I write this on the longest day of the year, June 21, 2023. We’re like a movie audience, seated in the theater and watching all the previews, waiting for the main attraction. Oh, hey. Here comes a newsreel on what the Company of Heaven has been doing for the last two years, narrated by Matthew […]
This is Real!
I know I sound like an eternal optimist but I expect the Reval, given recent events taking down cabal kingpins, early in January. I caution you: I’ve been consistently wrong in the past, as has everyone else. Hope is probably father to the thought. Around two weeks ago, I began to assemble my documents for […]
Matthew Ward: The Unconscionably-Inequitable Allocation of Money will End
Again, another chance find while looking through First Contact database on energy. In 2007 Matthew Ward discussed what will happen to Illuminati wealth and how exploited nations will be tended to after the Reval. Add to this what Hatonn said to me earlier this year: “Hello, my friend Steverino… “This is Hatonn. You are worrying […]
Four Point Plan, Until Ascension – Part 2/3 (Book)
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) I’ve rewritten this article to drop the debt relief components of the earlier Six Point Plan. These will be addressed apparently by G/NESARA. It now becomes a Four Point Plan. Meanwhile, soldiers are rescuing trafficked children in deep underground military bunkers. They’re breaking up trafficking networks around the world. They’re […]
The Reval: Bringing the Patient (Earth) Back to Life
Clearly we’re not going to be able to cover all the bases on foundational values for Nova Earth in a few articles. To fill the gap, the Golden Age of Gaia, in the person of myself and Kathleen, have drawn together articles we’ve written on the philosophy of Building Nova Earth (Suzi is working on […]
Receive and Give, Receive and Give: That is Where You are Going
In my post-Reval planning, I’m envisioning my process something like this. I’ve volunteered to be what’s called a “pipeline,” which means that folks like me help with redistributing the planet’s wealth. I’ll receive and redistribute unusual sources of wealth such as the sequestered wealth of serious human-rights abusers, prosperity packages, historical assets, etc. (1) In […]
Do Not Look Back? Implications?
The following is not a long enough excerpt to warrant a separate article so I insert it here, eleven days after it was said: Steve: Any encouraging news for us about the Reval? Archangel Michael: Do not give up hope. It will not occur during this enormous upheaval. But this enormous upheaval is not going […]
The Recovery Phase = Building Nova Earth
In a reading I had with him on May 13, 2020, Archangel Michael asked me to turn my attention back again to Ascension matters. Here are my marching orders: “As I have said many times you’re not to engage in politics, sweet one. … “Again, sweet one, you’re becoming engaged in political intrigue which is […]
This is the Time to Release the Reval
A universal basic income is higher than a minimum wage. It’s higher than just survival. It provides for the basic comforts that people need to live on and enjoy life – with the choice to work and afford extra pleasures if they so choose. In the higher dimensions we’re headed for, no one does without. […]
By What Principles Might a Global Network of Light Stewards Operate?
If we can allow ourselves to dream out loud, how might a global network of light stewards of the Mother’s wealth operate? It could be a loose confederation of people, all alerted to common opportunities, much as crowd funding operates. The individual lightworker would then make the choice of what to support and what not. […]