By Scott Santens, Citizens Basic Income Trust, February 1, 2021 Everything seemed to change in 2020, and yet in very important ways, what really needed to didn’t, which is what must change. It’s time to finally live up to our founding ideals as a nation with a monthly investment in the lifelong economic security […]
Archangel Michael: An Awakening of Equality
As I discussed in the article above, (1) despite what we may think or wish, the Company of Heaven maintains that the Reval is a matter of vibration, rather than timing. (2) That being the case, Archangel Michael says here, the groundswell of interest in a universal basic income is a good sign. It indicates […]
The Reval: Bringing the Patient (Earth) Back to Life
Clearly we’re not going to be able to cover all the bases on foundational values for Nova Earth in a few articles. To fill the gap, the Golden Age of Gaia, in the person of myself and Kathleen, have drawn together articles we’ve written on the philosophy of Building Nova Earth (Suzi is working on […]
Laying New Track
We end a world war and yet prove powerless to stop the underlying juggernaut of forces still wanting to rule the world. The First World War did not make the world safe for democracy and the Second World War was not decided in the name of freedom. If anything, the appetite of those who wanted […]
SumOfUs: A Just Recovery
SumOfUs joined hundreds of organizations — from unions to grassroots groups — to co-create the Principles of a Just Recovery post COVID-19. In the midst of converging health, economic and climate crises, it is irresponsible to go back to a “normal”. “Normal” was widespread inequality, precarious work, climate inaction, environmental degradation and colonial violence. It’s […]
The Big Change – Part 2
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) The point I wanted to make however is: what do we do in the face of this constant change to maintain our equilibrium, our balance? Things are going faster than I can keep up with. What do we do? I can only say what I do, which I’ve been doing […]
The Big Change – Part 1
I’ve rewritten this article to drop the debt relief components of the earlier Six Point Plan. These will be addressed apparently by G/NESARA. It now becomes a Four Point Plan. If we were to see the ending of the careers of corrupt politicians, of big business’s control over the finances of the world, of the […]
The Principles of Largescale Employment Projects – Part 1/2 (Repost)
It doesn’t matter if what threatens our society is job-consuming automation or economy-crippling Coronavirus. When we go to reconstruct, we need to remember certain basic principles. I was going to reproduce just one section of a two-part article I wrote on the subject in 1995, the section on “value is a function of agreement.” I […]
AAM: Those Who Are in a Position of Stewardship…
In the course of continuing research into my financial responsibilities after the Reval, I’m coming across so many memorable passages. Here’s Archangel Michael giving a description of the events that will ensue with and after the Reval. He compares them to dominoes. Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, , […]
What is Spiritual Currency? Part 3/3
(Continued from Part 2, yesterday.) All well and good. But what has all of this to do with the Reval and everything that falls out of it? Michael is adamant that what is being revalued that is of most importance is our spiritual currency; in other words, our own readiness, willingness, and ability to value […]
What is Spiritual Currency? Part 2/3
(Continued from Part 1, yesterday.) If we as a society have not reached a collective level of self-worth that allows the Reval to do any good, Michael says, heaven will not release the funds. In 2015, he observed that “there are so many that have not reached a place of self-worth that they were not […]
What is Spiritual Currency? Part 1/3
What is the difference between hard currency and spiritual currency? I think I can summarize it by saying that hard currency relates to our net worth and spiritual currency relates to our Self-worth. Spiritual currency is a metaphor the Company of Heaven uses to denote our inherent worth or Self-worth. Our failure to realize our […]
Most Issues are not about Money
On May 6, 2016, Archangel Michael told me in a reading: “Most issues, beloved, are not about money; they are about self-worth, taking responsibility, sharing responsibility, leadership, sharing leadership, knowing when to lead and went to follow, and stepping up in ways that are creative. “What money is used for is so that a person, […]
Lightworker User Manual: A Single Reval or Waves of Abundance? – Part 2/2
(Continued from yesterday.) Will this inflow come in small, manageable amounts? Decidedly not. Michael on another occasion called the flows “enormous, enormous sums of money.” (1) St. Germaine had this to say of the copious flow of abundance: “Once the flow begins, the world does not stop. Do you think the Mother creates and then […]
Lightworker User Manual: A Single Reval or Waves of Abundance? – Part 1/2
(Continued from yesterday.) Did you think we’d just have the Reval and that’d be the end of it? No, apparently the Reval is just the start. However we think of abundance, there’s more to it than just the Reval. Let’s start with the Archangel Michael’s revelation that there’ll be more than one wave of abundance […]
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