Thanks to Len. In this short video, Shelia Hill, an Intuitive, talks about what many are feeling at this time. You might feel a bit of relief knowing you are experiencing the same things.
Finding a Way Out of Humiliation
Two things I’m noticing seem to indicate where we are … OK, OK, I am … with the rising energies. One is that people around me are starting to say they can’t remember why they went into the kitchen. Or what they were going to say. All of a sudden I’m not alone in having […]
How Many Other Doors Are There?
This article was delayed – and is therefore out of chronological order – by the posting of the article on my recent download and rollercoaster ride. The Self is pure and innocent. I’ve experienced its purity and innocence (1) so, in the sense that the Federation of Light uses the word, I know that to […]
There You Call It Love
The missing piece for me – maybe for you – is this sense that nothing can be accomplished by merely thinking about it, intending, sending out love, affirming, invoking, etc. I myself am guilty of thinking within the limits of empirical materialism – the belief that only what we can sense (taste, touch, feel, hear, […]
Archangel Michael through Ronna Vezane: The Process You are Actually Going Through Right Now
I was answering a reader’s question on the photon belt when I came across this remarkable passage from Archangel Michael through Ronna. It seemed, as I read it, as if someone had written my biography, it so resonated with me. Is this really what’s going on? I’ve added footnotes to show why it would […]
Ring of Fire on Christmas Day 2023?
I see that some intel gurus are predicting that the emergency broadcasts will start on Friday, Dec. 15. If that were the case, and the EBS spanned ten days, that would make its end be Christmas Day, Dec. 25. I predict that the Ring of Fire will occur at the end of the ten days […]
Emergence, Divine Assistance, and Rising Energies
I’m beginning to think that what lies before us as lightworkers is a process of emergence (1) plus divine assistance. (2) We emerge from the overburden of our core issues and resentments. Our divine assistance comes in the form of bursts of energy, reminders, urges, etc. When I get an idea from Michael, it’s usually […]
On to a New World; or, No One Could Sleep Through Lahaina
I sincerely hope that the uprising in Spain remains peaceful and catches on worldwide. Remember Jack Nicholson in A Few Good Men? “You can’t handle the truth!” That may have been the case before. Truthspeakers were called conspiracy theorists and ridiculed. People who didn’t want to hear the bad news just changed the channel. And […]
Just Like That!
Imagine you’ve just been on galactic patrol on Earth and you’re dirty and hurting and discouraged. Because you’re a star warrior, you go back on board ship and, just in entering the ship’s portal, whoosh, all dirt is gone, all pain, all discouragement. Just like that. Feel what that would be like……… OK, now you […]
Ever-Intensifying Light
In April, Matthew Ward said: “It is due to ever-intensifying light that you are seeing more and more citizenries revolting against their governments’ dark policies; a crack in the banking system; and some individuals publicly connecting the economic dots of covid-19 lockdown, tests, vaccines and falsified statistics. “It is due to ever-intensifying light that you […]
What Happens on Earth Affects the Entire Universe
I feel the need to put in focus what’s happening here on Earth. Words like “historic” or even “Earth-shattering” don’t do it justice. Its importance goes beyond Earth or even the solar system. The importance of this Ascension extends to the whole universe. What happens here on Earth in the course of our Ascension affects […]
Carving or Releasing a Form?
Imagine you’re a sculptor. Are you carving a form out of marble? Or are you releasing a form from the marble that obscures it? If we were talking about spiritual unfoldment, would it not be the latter? The spirit is already in form. The spirit is “driving” the body, looking out through the eyes, operating […]
The Greatest Factor in My Life in Terms of Satisfaction
If we wanted to know the greatest factor in my life in terms of bringing satisfaction, we’d have to turn to the realm of love. The greatest factor was a spiritual experience. It was in this realm that the answer came, not, as I was discussing earlier, in the realm of money or anything money […]
No Need for Revolution This Time Around
How are we going to make our transition without lapsing into extremes? The French Revolution had its guillotines. The Russian Revolution had its firing squads. Revolutionary events by nature imply a breakdown of authority and often communications. If a crowd is involved, emotions are usually manipulated to run high to motivate the crowd…. Stop the […]
Equinox, Realm Choice, and the Infinite Kryst Field
by Sandra Walter Blessings Beloveds ~ This is a unique Equinox. It may not feel like the typical balancing energy we anticipate at Equinox. We are entering a new phase of the Ascension which amplifies realm choice, and thereby realm division. We cannot expect the same energies from alignments, dates, or events – or […]
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