Credit: tiedemannonwines.com
All I’ve ever wanted – with some notable exceptions – has been inward.
And when I experience higher states like bliss and ecstasy, to be found inward, every need is satisfied.
The return on investment says to me that this has been a wise investment. I think I’ll invest more of my spiritual currency in it.
The utter irony of it is that we spend millions, and sometimes even billions, pursuing outside what’s available to us inside.
You want love? Call it up from your heart, where a river of it flows. Home delivery.
You want bliss? We experience little wisps of it all the time. Recognize one, clamber aboard and surf it to the big wave.
You want ecstasy. Hmmm…. I’m not sure. Yesterday I was able to summon it up from my heart. But I’m not inclined to generalize on the basis of one experience.
Gosh, some people are going with Richard Branson to the edge of outer space … and I’m deep-diving the heart instead, probably looking for the same thing – the Big Thrill.
Just imagine that I paid $50,000 for my last excursion into ecstasy.
I used to say that my friends bought houses and I bought workshops. Everything I want is inward.
But why I’m writing this is I wanted to say that, if people look at their “wants” and expenditures, they also might find that, in the end, they too are also spending their wealth pursuing what comes down to an experience. A “magic moment.” A “Rocky Mountain high.” A “buzz” of excitement. They want to feel life. They want to come alive again.
Well, yes, you can spend any conceivable amount of money in that kind of pursuit.
Or you can spend no money at all and go right to the source. Yes, you got it. The heart.
I acknowledge that, before 2015, when my heart (or heart aperture, hridayam, really) was closed, I didn’t feel love, bliss, and ecstasy the way I can now.
So think of it as starting to do pushups. In the beginning it may not feel as rewarding as you may like, but it primes the pump. It signals the celestials, who bring you your enlightenment, that you’re ready.
We all know this is coming: At some point your heart will open, and, oh boy, after that, you’ve struck the mother lode. The Spiritual Reval hit. NOW you have access to more love than you ever dreamed of.
You’re rich in the only way that matters.
And then the experience will subside, but it’ll leave you with some access, enough to keep you smiling and newly optimistic.
Who needs a message in a fortune cookie? OK: You will be perpetually happy soon.
Well? If our direction is up, it’s to perpetual happiness, is it not? Love abounding? What generation before us could ever say that?