If the purpose of life for all of us is enlightenment – the knowledge of who we truly are, resulting in mergence…. If the purpose of creating life for God was that God should meet God in a moment of our enlightenment… (1) then, if we were to envision our situation, would it not make […]
Karma and Free Will are Not Contradictory – Part 1/2
I often hear folks debating free will vs determinism, as if, if the one exists, the other cannot. Do we have free will? Or are the events of our lives pre-determined by “karma”? Both. Any seeming contradiction disappears when we make a distinction between action and reaction. Let me back up a moment, to explain. […]
What Do We Mean by “Experience”?
To say “to experience,” as I’m intending the word, does not (necessarily) mean “getting out in nature” or “eating new foods.” It can. But by the same token, we can be out in nature “experiencing” and still be relating to the world from the intellectual level only. I’m referring to there being three levels to […]
Being the Pilot, not the Passenger
Over the Xmas holidays I watched Groundhog Day with a friend and was greatly impacted. It made a point about core issues or vasanas that I can’t help calling attention to. “Vasanas” is a Vedantic term for the reaction patterns we’ve formed based on earlier, similar, traumatic incidents. (1) The premise of the story, […]
Leaving a Level of Knowledge: Out of Chaos Comes Change
Watching a potential housefire be extinguished by an unseen hand and “getting” divine protection is an example of realized knowledge It sure feels like we’re still in the wash cycle to me. (That’d mean we still have rinse and spin to go.) Or, if you’re a gambler, it feels like someone just threw all the […]
Jeffrey Scott Pears: Still as a Mountain Lake
Jeffrey has just published his book, Embodying Light, and has permitted us to take some excerpts from it in future. Add Jeffrey’s voice to Sarah White’s yesterday and all the others who have come and are coming forward to demonstrate the shift in consciousness happening. (Look at that face!) Still as a mountain lake Still […]
“I Have Heard”: The Value of Inner Listening Amid Outer Chaos
We probably could not be heard above the din of clashing ideologies and other forces happening around us and in distant places. I’m not sure about you, but it’s like an open invitation to me to grow quiet, turn inward, and listen. And here’s what I hear. Who was the sage who said “I have […]
Love + Bliss = Completion?
I’m feeling both love and bliss at the same time right now. Bliss is lifting me higher; love has me desire to share it with another or with others. The tug of the one is internal; the tug of the other is external. Bliss leads to realization. Love leads to connection. (1) Does their combination […]
That Cheshire Cat Smile
I’m in the middle of a realization and I’d better hurry to capture it. The heart opening of March 2015 showed me what real, true, higher-dimensional love was. Our everyday love is very personal. Higher-dimensional love is universal. If one tried to corral it and limit it to one person, it would simply disappear. No […]
Two Revelations in One
Around a half hour ago I had a revelation. One of the interesting things about it was that I was conscious of having it. I saw that how deep the revelation went depended on how deep I was willing and able to go with it. I’m leaving aside the toning down of experiences which would […]
What Difference does Knowing the Purpose of Life Make?
How does it feel to think life has no purpose? What is a purposeless life like? I can only say how it was for me. Sad. Sad that I was needing to go through all that life brought us without any of it having any meaning or purpose. Why am I doing this? Why am […]
The Eye of the Storm
Download here: On the Divine Qualities at https://goldenageofgaia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/On-the-Divine-Qualities-2.pdf. I’ve made this point several ways. I keep looking for other metaphors. Up till now I’ve discussed where I believe we need to be as the heart, the center, the balance point, etc. Let me now compare it to the eye of the storm. A hurricane […]
Fifth Dimension – Are We Already in It and Don’t Realize It?
Based on my experiences of recognizing divine states, after which they blossom, I’ve asked myself repeatedly, is it possible we’re already in the Fifth Dimension and just don’t realize it? Remember what Matthew Ward said some time ago: “Although Earth and all of her residents are in fourth density location-wise, the majority of the populace […]
We Can be in the Space and Not Recognize It
I noticed a phenomenon today that I’d thought about but had never acted on. I’ve often thought that we’re already in the Fifth Dimension. We don’t believe we are and so our consciousness remains centered in the Third/Fourth, which appears real. What was it Matthew said? “Earth, a fifth density soul spiritually and consciously [is] […]
Recreating 3D
I just “got” (realized, intuited, flashed on) the fact that all the most important issues in my life are resolved through correcting something in my own thoughts or thought process. So it’s not that other people cause 80% of my problems. It’s not that I’m a victim. The problem lies in my own thinking. This […]