We probably could not be heard above the din of clashing ideologies and other forces happening around us and in distant places.
I’m not sure about you, but it’s like an open invitation to me to grow quiet, turn inward, and listen. And here’s what I hear.
Who was the sage who said “I have heard….”? It’s wisdom, in my view, to know that the most we can know – in this dense environment – is little. And then to stop talking and listen.
Any spiritual experience will show us, as Michael once said, that “the human scope of vision, even as it is expanding dramatically, is still very limited. ” (1)
Our density is like a heavy blanket that smothers attempts to know the higher states. Hence the need for us to listen.
To listen with love to those charged with guiding us, to keep the interference out. The higher our vibration, the harder it is for the bad sorts to reach us.
The farthest I can ordinarily reach into the territory of realized knowledge while clothed in 3/4D density is pathetic compared to how far I can reach either in the body in bliss or else outside the body in a lucid dream.
In both states, my awareness, my consciousness is released from this wet suit I’ve been wearing and I can see and know things that were denied me up till then.
Were I to return to 3/4D and tell you what I saw and knew, you’d call that a “realization.” It’d just be normal life in the higher dimensions.
And that’s my point. It’s wisdom, in my view, to know that the most we can know in this environment of density is little. And then to listen.
To listen to our guides. To listen to our archangel. To listen to the Mother, who rings in our ears. No, that’s not tinnitis. That’s Aum, the cosmic motor, reassuring you that the Mother has it all in hand.
To listen to the divine states – bliss, love, joy, peace – as they come and go. As Jesus once said, they are omnipresent:
“Love is always present, like the air you breathe, but you all have the choice to accept or reject It, and the numbers now openly accepting and indeed embracing It are increasing daily, bringing humanity to the tipping point, the point at which the collective, having already chosen to awaken, remembers that choice and releases its hold on the illusion.” (4)
We used to frown on someone who wanted a settled peace or to be wafted aloft in bliss. But in a time when peace is of the highest value, removing ourselves from the conflict by meditating on peace or the other uplifting divine states seems to me an act of the highest virtue.
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2017.
(2) See “We Cannot Know the Planes Above Us” at https://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=The_Planes_of_Life#We_Cannot_Know_the_Planes_Above_Us
(3) SaLuSa explains:
“We know that following your conscience and the promptings of your Higher Self, can bring the weight of the dark Ones upon you. They use blackmail and direct threats to keep you in your place, and it indeed takes a brave person to confront them.
“Some great souls sacrifice their life to ground positive energies upon the Earth, which is often a greater achievement than if they had seen their life out as normal.” (SaLuSa, Aug. 1, 2012, at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/mike_quinsey/channeled%20messages/July2012/salusa__1august2012.htm.)
(4) “Jesus via John Smallman: Love is Always Present, Like the Air you Breathe,”